Chapter Eighteen

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A/N Time skip!!!

"Wake up," I said as I jumped on top of my sleeping boyfriend. "Today's your big day, so you need to get up!"

He rolled over, taking me with him. "No, I'm good."

"But please?"


"Pretty please?"

"Ugh. Fine. You're lucky I love you."

I smiled and kissed his forehead as he opened his eyes and took his arm off of my waist, not very happy about it.

He then pouted. "No kiss on the lips?"

I shook my head.

"Not even on my birthday?"

I rolled my eyes. "Not even a minute ago you were upset over it being your birthday."

"But I then realized that I can get you to kiss me more today than you normally do. Even in front of Alex."

"You know how I feel about PDA." I crossed my arms.

"Awe. You know I love you."

"Well, I love you too!" I pecked his lips and jumped out of bed before he could make things escalate.

Not that I'm against it. We just don't have the time.

I then went to get him his birthday cupcake.

* * *

We had spent three hours celebrating Seth's birthday, and were now cuddling on the couch with Cinderella playing on the TV and Candace playing with her toys on a play mat on the floor.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, and Seth went to answer it.

All I heard was, "Mom?"

I turned and saw a woman about my dad's age come in, and a man a little younger than her come in, so I stood and walked over to Seth, holding onto his arm.

Shit. Over protective female werewolf again.

"Hello dear," the woman said, smiling. "You must be Aliza. Seth has told me so much about you over the phone."

I smiled back. "I'm sure. You must be Seth's mother."

"Yes. I'm Donna, and this is my fiance Garret," she replied.

"Nice to meet you both." I then felt Candace tug on my pants, and I turn to see her looking at ne with big eyes.


I kneel down to her level. "Yes baby?"

She points behind me at Donna and Garret. "Who dat?"

I laugh and pick her up. I look at Seth's mom and step dad, and said, "This is Da's mommy and daddy." I was not gonna explain step parents to her. She wasn't even two.

They waved at her and Donna said, "Hi sweetheart. What's your name?"

In a small voice she replied, "Candace Damian Ragland."

Their eyebrows raised and they looked at me, then back at her. "And how old are you?"

Candace held up one finger. "But I'm gonna turn two soon."

They looked back at me. I laughed. "She's part werewolf, vampire, and fairy. The were and vamp in her effect how fast she matures mentally."

"She's seems quite mature," Garret said.

I nodded. "But she's still my baby."

This made them smile and I invited them inside, and we sat down and talked together. I liked Seth's mom and step dad.

They were very nice, and I'm happy Seth had people like them growing up. It makes me happy that he grew up in such a good place.

Growing up on a bad place can have a negative effect on you. I defiantly know that. Especially with Marie.

* * *

We are getting there. See you in the next chapter.

~Peggy 💖

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