Chapter Nine

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I am watching my back, but why watch my back without having some fun? Okay, in reality, I was 100% okay with doing so alone, since I've always been a loner, before I came to this school, but now, I have friends, and having friends apparently means going to have a sleepover with them. This isn't my first one with Trixie and Molly, but it is with Jenny. And the last time we had sleepover, Jackson showed up and we discovered that Molly was his mate. Now Trixie is the only mateless one out of the four of us.

And on top of all that, I had to leave Candace with Seth, who's mission this weekend is to get her to call him Dada.

Huh. Good luck with that! She is stuck on calling him Seth. In her mind, Dada isn't a word, and she's not gonna say it. I would be highly surprised if I go back and she is calling him Dada.

I made my way down the hallway, and knocked on Trixie's door, which was opened in two seconds. I was the last to arrive, only because I was the last to want to come. They looked so happy that I showed up, and I rolled my eyes. "Guys, I'd probably be better off back in my room with Seth and Candace."

"No," Trixie said, zipping her lips, in a way, telling me to shut up. "You are here now, and we are gonna have some fun! You just wait and see."

"Fun? Last time you said that, you were standing on the coffee table singing Wildest Dreams by Taylor Swift," I pointed out as I threw my bag with theirs and took off my shoes.

"Yes, and it was fun. I had fun. Did you, Molly?"

Molly tapped her chin, pretending to be deep in thought. "I don't know. . .you did act pretty crazy. We had to tackle you to get you to stop."

"But you called Izzy fat."

"I called her a cow," I interrupted.

Jenny was laughing, clearly enjoying our little banter. I smiled hugely. This night might be okay, after all. Might.

* * *

"If I drink, If I smoke,

I keep up with the guys,

And you see me holding up my middle finger to the world,"

I turned off the music. Trixie pouted. "Awe, come on! It was getting to the good part!"

"We are not doing this shit again," I reply as I pull my friend from her coffee table.

She laughed and fell against me. She drank a little too much eggnog, so she was now a little. . .high? I guess. . .I don't know, she's just loopy.

Jenny smiled and said, "Let's get her to bed."

Molly nodded in agreement, and I threw Trixie on her couch, where she kept giggling, before passing out and drooling. Severely.

Welp, this was fun! Not.

* * *

Did you know. . .

I have a friend. Her name is Color. She is a pink cat. She sleeps in a pot. i am not okay, btw.

Anyways. . .on a serious note, this was a filler chapter, better chapters will be up soon, and I am proud of myself for writing two chapters in one day. This is pretty good. Imma try for three chapters in one day.

In 3. . .

2. . .

1. . .

Love yous all!!!

~Peggy 💖

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