Closer|Hanako x Reader

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(Hanako x Reader)
[Y/n Pov]

I and Hanako have been friends for a very long time.

Till Yashiro came into the picture.
It's not that I hate her it's just I'm jealous of her.

Every time I try to talk to Hanako he always hanging out with Yashiro.

I shouldn't be feeling this is not mine.
[Third Person}
"Are you sure she's going to love these flowers she is the expert and stuff!!" Hanako said while freaking out.

"Yes, I'm sure she'll love it!!" Yashiro exclaimed while putting a thumbs up.

"What if this is not enough!!" Hanako worriedly yelled at Yashiro.
"Uhh, we could make cupcakes for her," Yashiro suggested.

"Great idea let's do this!" Hanako said.

"Uhh hi, Yashiro and Hanako where are you guys going?" Said Y/n.

"Uhhh W-we are making a thingy hehe we have to go bye Y/n-Chan," Hanako said while pushing Yashiro to a closet.

"ARE YOU STUPID HANAKO," Yashiro yelled at him.
"AHHH YASHIRO YASHIRO I WAS NERVOUS!!" Hanako yelled defeated.
[Y/n Pov]
They didn't even invite me.
I feel so left out.
Maybe I should follow them.

There making cupcakes together.
I wish I was Yashiro.


I walked away from them.

And just cried like a baby I knew he would never be mine but it still hurt.

It's not going make me die or anything though.

It just hurts when you were with this person for over 50 years and they just fall for a girl who just came into their life.

I signed.
Wiped my tears and just enjoyed the view.

"H-hey Y/n," Hanako said while his head looking down.

"Yes, Amane?" I question him.

"I made this for you," Hanako mumbled.
He gives me a vanilla cupcake with vanilla icing with rainbow sprinkles.

My eyes soften at it.

"I also got you this," Hanako said with a flower in his hand.

"Y/n I like you," Hanako confessed.
I stared at him shocked my mouth parted.

"I understand if you don't like me back," Hanako said while a tear came out of his eyes.

"I- I love you too," I said with my eyes closed.

"I- I love you too," I said with my eyes closed

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