Chapter 2

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Author note: Okay I just realized that I kinda messed up the ending of chapter 1 of how they make it to the train station instead of the sewers, so oops, sorry guys, so this chapter they are at the sewers instead of the train station, or was it somewhere else because I am kinda confused 🤔🤔, so I just say sewers instead sorry guys😔.

(Y/n)'s POV

Cloud was able to get us to the sewers area and of course there was some rumble that was down because of the explosion that went off.  Barret was looking at all of us before telling us, "Looks like we made it. And with nothing but a few scratches to show—" Barret didn't get a chance to finish his sentence before we felt the ground started to shake a bit.  All of us started to wobble a bit before Barret was looking at Jessie before telling her, "Think you might've overdone it?" Barret asked Jessie.

Jessie looked at Barret before telling him, "I followed the instructions to the letter. Maybe it triggered a reaction with the mako?" Jessie said to Barret.  Barret was probably talking to all of us, "Well, let's hope this city's still in one piece." Barret said to us.  Biggs just looked at Barret before telling him, "But the planet's what matters, right?" Biggs asked us, but before Barret could say anything to us, we felt the ground was shaking again.  The shaking stopped before we heard Biggs was talking to us, "I mean...this must've helped some." Biggs said to us.

Jessie looks at Biggs before telling him, "After all that, it'd better have. Anyway, let's get going. We in Sector 8?" Jessie asked Wedge.  Wedge just point at the left side before telling Jessie, "That'd be just down there!" Wedge said to us before putting his finger down.  Barret walked a little closer to Wedge before telling him, "All right, then. Lead the way." Barret told Wedge.  Wedge looks at Barret before telling him, "You got it!" Wedge said to Barret.  We followed Wedge before we heard him, "Watch out for live wires. They're everywhere." Wedge warned us.

We had to leaned against the wall to move at a kinda tight way through, "Ugh, the air in here reeks. Can't wait to get out in the open!" Biggs said out loud about the sewers or tunnel.  I looked at Cloud to give him a annoyed look about Biggs, Cloud just gave me a small smile before we heard Biggs complaining again, "Man, what is that? I've never smelled anything so foul. Aw, it's me. Gotta do something about that, and soon." Biggs said to himself.

We kept walking til another shake came by again, once the shaking stop, we heard Wedge was talking to himself, "I felt that one in my guts..." Wedge said to himself.  Biggs just looked at Wedge before telling him, "They just keep on coming." Biggs said to Wedge.  Barret just told us that we need to leave this area, so we started running a bit before we got down to get over the pipe that was above us, while the others were talking to each other, I looked at Cloud before I just shrugged my shoulders at him.  Cloud looked at me before he started to whisper his voice, so I can only hear him, "I just hope this is the last time that we are working with them." Cloud said to me.  I looked at him before telling him, "Yeah, no offense but I really don't want to get to attach to them." I whisper to Cloud.

Cloud looked at me before he tried to comfort me, but it was like a hug before we pulled away from each other, I was blushing a bit before I looked at Cloud to see his face was blushing as well.  Cloud just moved his head to let me know to follow him, so I followed Cloud and we were hearing the others, "Can't wait to see you, Marlene." Barret said to himself in a happy tone.  Cloud looked at me with a confused face before I remember that Barret did mention a kid, so I guess it was nothing.  We heard Biggs was talking to himself, "Can't wait to take a hot shower." Biggs said to himself.  Me and Cloud keep following them til Jessie was able to put the bomb down and she started to make a joke, "Fire in the hole!" Jessie yelled out before we all covered our ears with our hands so our ears won't go def.

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