Just as Kade got off Ash's body and was about to run off towards the edge of the water before Ash screamed. My ears felt like they were going to start bleeding as I jumped up. I had quickly switched back into human form, my wolf too scared to face this alone as she didn't know what to do other than stand there paralysed. Her fur had changed into clothes for me so I didn't have to be worried about ever being naked or anything

"It'll be over soon honey." I was gentle to put his head on my lap while my heart was racing with fear, I didn't know what to do when my mind was paining and making me forget

Zach and his spirits where adults in this situation as they tried to calm Ash down while I just held him in my arms, scared to let him go as I watched his body breaking apart. His nails growing sharp claws, his hands being covered in fur, his clothes torn, his facial features twisted in pain while I stared down at him stupidly, it was like whatever I knew about supernatural disappeared from my head as I stared down at my younger brother. "Not the time to be stupid Ven." Narrowing my eyes at Zach as he snapped me out of my trance, what the fuck am I supposed to do again?

"Don't fight it Ash, it'll be harder." Minutes has passed by as Ash continued to scream his heart out, his voice echoing in the night before it all stopped, he stopped moving and that's when I got scared. There had been a few cases where people had died from earlier shifts in their lifetime but Ash was strong, nothing was going to happen to him, he was my baby.

He laid still in my arms, no movement whatsoever in his wolf form. His wolf was just like mine, a dark midnight coat, sharp ears, a sharp looking jaw and his physique, strong fucking wolves in the family, they seemed high ranking as well but we were alone, me and Zach haunted with each other, Asher stayed put. "Don't  fuck with me Asher Stone!" Zach growled at him, kneeling down and poking his head at Asher's stomach, scared but frustrated at the same time.

'You're too loud.' Relief washed over me as visibly relaxed, leaning back into the tree as I ran my hand through his soft fur. He was alive. I pulled the little wolf close to me, hugging him just as Zach wrapped his arms around the both of us, that had scared him more than he would like to admit. My heart was thumping harshly against my chest, I don't think I'll ever for ready for their death bed days, never.

"What's your name honey?" I gently patted the wolf, running my hand up and down its back to calm down the creature that was adorable, he was startled with the sudden screech from Zach but he knew that his brother didn't mean no harm. I smiled as he looked up at me, his beastly blue eyes looked so cute under the sky and I couldn't help but lean down and kiss his forehead, I was also proud of them no matter what they did in life but whenever they injured someone that was innocent that's when I was disappointed, that's when I scolded them.

'Apollo.' The wolf mumbled in our open links as he slowly pushed himself off me, trying to stand on its paws and I helped as I steadied the poor thing, I smiled as he made small steps towards Kade. Kade was jumping with joy as he urged Apollo to continue walking towards him. I laughed at the hyper wolf, he had been waiting so long for this day, he wanted someone to teach and play. I watched at a short distance as the two boys stood beside each other, Apollo leaning his weight into Kade. 'Can you shift Venna?' Asher, I finally heard his voice after all the screaming he had done and I smiled as I nodded my head

I stand up and let Amber take over, she was buzzing to meet the little pup, everyone was but she was the first one to place her bets and she won for his first shift in wolf form. Apollo stared at me as my lion walked towards him, scaring him a little and Amber stopped in her steps as she looked over at Kade, unsure what to do before Apollo leaped towards her. 'You're so big Amber!' Amber smiled as she licked the little wolfs face, him circling around her and jumping her and there.

'Hello little pup.'

'I'm not little!' He barked his teeth towards me and Zach laughed through our links, Ash was too cute for his own kind.

'Compared to me and Ven right now, you're like an ant little puppy.' Kade, Zach both chimed in, making it their mission to annoy the new wolf that was introduced to the family. I laughed as Apollo shoves them, attempting to use all his weight to move Kade but there was no movement. 'Think you can run, pup?' Kade questioned, Apollo was quick to nod his head at the idea of running along with his siblings, i had always made him sit somewhere far up when mr and Zach haunted, making sure he was out of harms ways. 'Let's see how far you get.' Apollo watched with his little eyes as Zach took off, he looked back over at me for guidance.

Amber showed him how to run with four paws, his cute fails had made my day before he got the hang of it and was spiriting down the path his older brother had taken. With the bag between my teeth I looked over the place where Asher had his first shift, I was going to bring him back here on his 18, it's what we supernaturals did, it was like a traditional thing, something special. I ran after the two boys, I remember the first time Zach shifted into his wolf form, it had taken me a full day to teach his wolf how to run and haunt, his wolf was relentless, a killing machine but he was the best and knew how to defend himself.

My body stiffened when I heard movement from the side, Zach and Asher were unaware of the noise and I didnt warn them of anything as I quickly ran towards them. I stood in front of Kade, Apollo between his legs as they both looked up at me, confusion swirling through them as I nodded towards the side. Kades eyes turned orange, a deep orangish yellow colour and now he was ready for anything to happen to keep his brother safe.

Suddenly rouges emerged from all around us, cornering is as they barked their teeth towards us and I grew worried for the two boys beside me. 'Put a protective spell around Kade and Apollo now.' I ordered Anna, I needed them safe and sound, one of them had just shifted and couldn't afford to hold a fight. At moments like this I wished that I could've been taught more about my powers, I wished I knew how to make people disappear because right now that would be really helpful.

A rouge leaps to attack Apollo, I jumped and attack the rouge down to the ground before his nose could even touch the barrel I had formed. I bring my canines down close to his neck and rip his neck off his shoulders. Three more jump on me, one sinks her teeth into my lower right leg, the second on sinks his claws into my stomach and the last one trys to sink his canine inside my neck. I shove the wolf that had a hold of me to the ground, kick the second wolf and rip his head of his body, I do the same with the last one

The one that was on the ground backs away from me quickly. I snap my head towards him, I pushed him back to the ground, he wimpers in fear. Within a sec I dig my claws in to his chest and rip his heart out. Slowly yet fastly the rogue were backing away from us as they moved back from wherever they had come from. I growl which makes them sprint away from us, my eyes still strained on them before they were out for god, I didn't move as I scanned the area around me for something else tk happened.

I shift back, my black fur, turning into new clothes for me to wear as I gripped onto my stomach as I leaned down to my brothers. Zach had done the same thing as me but for Asher, he was standing close to my legs as he stared up at me. 'How do I shift back?' He asked I kneeled down to his level.

"Just close your eyes and imagine your human body." I say to him he did as I told him to do. Zach grabbed black ripped jeans, white t-shirt and grey sneakers for Ash. Ash had already shifted back, Zach through him the clothes he grabbed for him (Raven had her eyes closed). I open my eyes when I know he's dressed "Let's go back home" I pushed myself of the ground, Ash did the same

Soon enough we started to make our way back home Ash was in my arms half a sleep while Zach walked with me. This wasn't a surprise to us rogue attacks happen a lot of times 'Should I let the shields down?' Anna ask

'No, let them down when we are home safe just for their safety.'

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