48. The Yule Ball

Start from the beginning

"Yeah you do." I reply back to the pair before turning to Fred. "What did Jack give you?"

Fred's cheeks flush a similar red colour to how my face was a few minutes before. "Err..." I grab the bag that was from Jack and look inside and it was filled with condoms. I was completely speechless.

"Oh look Mels we left them speechless." Jack says high-fiving his girlfriend.

"Do the rest of us want to know?" George questions.

"Probably not." I reply, "anyway breakfast?"

"Yeah." Everyone agrees.

We all take our presents to our dorms getting ready for breakfast, we make our way to the Great Hall which is busier than most Christmas' as most students stayed for the Yule Ball.

"So what's the plan for getting ready?" Angelina asks.

"I said Hermione and Ginny could get ready with us and I was thinking we will have to start getting ready around four is we al need to shower." I say to them.

"Four?" All of the boys asks at the same time.

"Yes." Alicia answers.

"Why so long?" Lee asks.

"Right so we all need to shower and wash our hair and do lady things. Melody and Alicia said they are styling hair, I'm doing make up for everyone including myself, so yes, it will take four hours." I say to them.

"I suppose we can still have our snowball fight right?" George asks.

"Yeah." Angelina says.

"We should make the teams bigger maybe we could ask Ron, Harry, Hermione and Ginny?" I suggest.

"Yeah, sounds good."

We gather the other kids to come and join the snowball fight that was about to take place and we were doing teams of girls versus boys.

"So what are we planning on doing, how do we determine who wins?" Hermione asks.

"We are just going to play until around four to pass the time as there isn't much else to do." George says.

"Then we can go and get ready for the ball." Alicia announces with a massive smile on her face which all the girls matched.

"I am so going to need that warm shower after." Melody tells us.

"Agreed." I say already slightly shivering.

"Right everyone at the ready." Lee announces and we go into opposite directions then turn to face each other.

"Let's destroy them." Ginny says with a massive smile on her face. I suppose being brought up with six brothers makes you extremely competitive and three of them are on the opposing team.

"Agreed." I say to her matching the massive smile she has on her face.

"Three... two... one... GO!" Lee shouts and we all start rapidly making snowballs and start throwing them at the each other.

We were all throwing snowballs at each person on the opposing team.

After a while my clothes are soaked through and I can imagine everyone else is feeling as cold as I do.

"When can we go in." Melody say with her cheeks pink from the cold snow hitting her face.

"Yeah, I'm freezing." Alicia says.

"Honestly agree so much." I say trying to keep myself warm.

"Okay, we've been playing for ages now, I guess us guys can play against each other for a bit then." Jack says.

Before I Go - Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now