Chapter 13 - ???? - February 24th, 2015 - 6:30 P.M.

Start from the beginning

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A loud knock at the door startled me.

"That must be Malcolm," my mom said, winking at me.

I'm sorry, but who's Malcolm? Is my memory failing me already?

As she opened the door, I caught a glance at his straw blond hair and sapphire blue eyes, and the memories suddenly hit me like a punch to the stomach. This was the kid who wrote his paper in Papyrus, this was the guy who once short-circuited all the outlets in biology class by sticking a wire there on a dare, and most of all, this was the person who for the longest time had been my only friend in the entire school. I experienced memories I hadn't thought of in years at that moment. I couldn't believe that I had just forgotten him completely; how did I forget such a huge part of my life? My mind is genuinely my worst enemy; it always does the opposite of what I tell it. If brain transplants ever happen, I hope they give me the brain of some surgeon or someone just as bright. Uncle Dante is a surgeon, but I certainly would NOT want his brain. I don't want to know what goes on inside his head. I took this one test to see which disorder he had, and it returned with ASPD; I can't say I'm surprised... I think we should diagnose him with arrogant shithead personality disorder, but that's just me.

"Malcolm!" I called out happily to him. I'm not exactly sure why I was so happy at that moment to see him; it was as if I had known him my entire life.

"Hey, you'll never guess what I got you," he said, winking.

I genuinely won't after all these years.

"Is it a telescope?" I asked, making the wildest guess possible.

His jaw dropped from surprise before he squinted his eyes in suspicion. He gave me the look of "You cheated to guess that."

"Are you wearing X-ray glasses?" he asked, looking all over my face.

"No, and that's not how they work," I replied, laughing.

"Whatever, happy birthday, loser," he said, hugging me tightly.

"Thank you. It feels like I haven't seen you in forever," I said, dreading the moment that he'd eventually let go.

"I saw you yesterday, though," he replied, confused.

"I know, but do you ever get this strange feeling like you miss someone before they've even left?" I replied as he finally let go.

"You get that too? I thought I was the only one!" he said with his mouth open in surprise.

How did I ever virtually forget this guy? What made me forget so much of the past? Perhaps going forward in time will reveal it someday. The only problem is I don't even know where to travel to!

"I get that too," my mom replied with a small smile towards my dad.

"Ew, I don't want to hear that," Malcolm said, sticking his tongue out in disgust.

My mom began saying something in response but couldn't finish her sentence because of another knock on the door.

Who could it be now?

"I believe that right there is Ricky and Rosie!" my dad called out to me.

It's going to be so weird seeing them old after the photo album...

"Oh, Calvin, you look so handsome!" my grandmother said as she went inside.

"Grandma, my name is not Calvin," I said, laughing a bit at her mistake.

"A slip of the tongue, my dear, look at how tall he is now, Harry!" she said, looking over at my grandfather, who looked just as confused as I was at her mistake. My grandmother mixed up names constantly and once called me Jackson, her Poodle; you always had to remind her she got your name wrong; it got annoying.

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