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Hi— I started writing this book at the start of the year and never expected anyone to ever read any of my works. I've been getting a few reads recently which I'm over the moon about. So if your reading this I hope you enjoy.

Tw- mentions abuse.

Elizabeth Katz was just a young girl who didn't have the best of childhoods, her mother tragically passed away when she was just five and after that it was just she and her father who was never particularly nice nice to her— in fact he was horrible. Even before her mother passed away, it was clear that her father was never very fond of her.

Whether it was physical or mental abuse he was never shy in giving her what he rightly believed she deserved.

In his eyes it was all her fault that her mother was no longer here with them.

But truth be told, Phillip Katz used this as a cover up of his guilt— the guilt that he couldn't save his beloved wife as well as his daughter, there was only enough time to save one, and with the car she was trapped in seconds away from bursting into flames. Rosalie Katz insisted— no— she demanded, that her daughter be saved instead of her.

How Elizabeth wished he had in fact saved her mother and not her, because after that day, her father changed in the most horrible way. From that day she has been forced to live with a monster.

He started to become distant at first, always going off to work for days, leaving Elizabeth to be looked after by the housekeepers, but it soon became all too much for his employees, none of them signed up to be babysitters so they soon left, and so, it was just him left to take care of his daughter.

It started off subtle, he'd mutter things under his voice when the young girl was just innocently playing with her toys, but it soon started to get physical as she got a little older.

Her seventh birthday.

That was the day that young Elizabeth's life changed forever, that was the first day her dad had ever physically hurt her...

"Blow out your candles dear." Her father insisted with a half genuine smile. Half looking as if he didn't want to be there at all.

Elizabeth gasped in the biggest breath she could in the hopes that she'd blow out all seven candles on top of the cake in the one go. And she did just that.

Feeling rather pleased with herself, it was onto presents.

The only thing that Effie had asked her dad for her birthday was a scooter, a pink one with little purple tassels that she'd seen in one of the shop windows in the town centre.

It was something every other child on the street had and something she so desperately desired. But it was the only thing out of all twenty five presents that she didn't receive.

As much as she was grateful for the presents she had received, she couldn't help but feel a certain sadness over the loss of the scooter she never had. Unknowingly sulking to herself, her father noticed this and turned to her with a sour look on his face and an angry tone in his voice.

"What ever could you be sulking about? Are you not happy about your presents. I spent a lot of money on you!" He sneered, almost as if the seven year old should understand the value of money at such a young age.

"Of course I'm happy daddy, I.. I just really wanted a scooter." Her eyes downcast to the floor as she replied to her father, feeling ashamed that she had even said anything in the first place.

"Typical brat!" He stood up from his chair, slamming both his massive palms on the table. "I go out and spend all this money on you and your upset about a scooter? What an ungrateful little bitch you are, sometimes I wonder why I even put up with you. I should have just gave you up when I had the chance." He ranted, shoving all the presents off the table.

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