Day 2- I Can't Live Without You (part 5-Sukka)

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Toph held a boulder over her head and shot it at Aang's.... Oh gosh. Sokka winced. Aang fell down to the floor and Katara collapsed down next to him. (Know what? You guys know what happens. I'm really tired right now, it's midnight and my parents think I'm asleep so sorry lol)

The girls shoved us out of the Palace and Sokka eagerly grabbed my hand. He dragged me to somewhere, and we stopped at a store.

"Babe, where are we going?" I asked. He smiled. "Just wait." He stopped at the store and we went inside. I instantly saw a sword. It looked really different, and familli- Oh my shit.

"Baby, I'm gonna get you something," I said. "No, I wanna get you something!" he whined. "Let's get each other something," I said. He smiled and nodded, then walked to the other side of the store. I walked over to the sword and picked it up in my hands, feeling the material.

"Oh, that sword is a fine one," some guy said. He looked like he was a master at something. Also really familiar. "Do I know you? Sorry, you just look familiar," I said. He smiled a tiny bit.

"My name is Master Piandao. One of my pupils made that sword. They told me they were from the Fire Nation but they were from the Water Tribe. He was also travelling with the Avatar. Incredible pupil, if you ask me," he said. I widened my eyes. This is Master Piandao? Sokka described him, that's probably how I thought he was familiar.

"Wait, is there any chance his name is Sokka?" I asked. He nodded with a confused look at his face. "Do you know him?" I nodded. "He's my boyfriend. He's right over there, as well," I said. He smiled. "Noce to meet you." I nodded. "Same to you, Master," I said, bowing.

I took the sword and walked to the area where I could pay. I out the sword there. "How long did it take you to find this?" asked him. He smiled. "Actually, we just found that a few weeks ago. It was somewhere in the Earth Kingdom. It's an incredible sword," he said. I nodded. It really is.

"How much?" I asked. "200 gold pieces." I widened my eyes. 200?! What?! Sokka suddenly walked over, so I hid the sword behind my back.

"Hey, babe. Close your eyes while I pay!" he said. I smiled. "Sokka, close your eyes," I said. He closed them and smiled. I pulled out the sword and put it in front of him. "Put out your hands." He put them out and I put the sword in them. "Open."

He opened them and stayed there with his haw dropped. "Suki!" he said, hugging me. I smiled and hugged him back. "It's too much, probably. We can't," he said. I nodded. "How much is it?"

"200," I answered. His jaw dropped. "Spirits, that's a lot more than I thought," he said. "Gold?" I nodded. He shook his head. "Damn. I really wanted space sword back," he said.

"Wait, back?" the guy at the counter asked. We turned to look at him and Sokka nodded. "Yeah, this was mine," he said. "You're Sokka of the Southern Water Tribe?" Sokka and I looked at each other and he nodded.

"That's me," he said. "Oh, I'm so sorry. Please, take the sword. We looked all over for you to return it to you, but they told us something about The Southern Tribe, then Gaoling, then Yu Dao, and we just gave up," he said. Sokka looked at me. I smiled and shrugged.

"I don't have 200 pieces, but can I pay you, like, 20? That's all Zuko gave me," he said. I nodded. "No, no, please, don't pay us," the salesman said. "No, I insist."

"No, please, just-" Before he could finish, Sokka threw the money, along with 5 extra silver pieces on the table, and grabbed the sword and ran out with my hand in his.

I giggled as we ran across the street, panting and laughing. Sokka eventually let us stop at the end of the street. We both started to pant, mads on our knees. Sokka put the sword down and pulled something out of his pocket. They were two necklaces, I think.

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