Start from the beginning

Adelaide suddenly feels something hold her arm and drag her into a dark corner. Her heart races in fear as she looks up immediately to see the culprit.

"Hey princess."

Prince Nicholas had dragged her into an empty stall, his hand around her waist as he pressed her body against his. The young woman had held onto his shirt to balance herself before looking up to see it was him.

She quickly removes her hands from his shirt and his hand from her waist bowing her head. "Your highness," she greets.

"It's just the both of us here -"

"I will be heading back to my master now," she cuts him off, turning to leave but he grabs her arm, pulling her against the wall, standing in front of her.

Adelaide looks up at him in shock, he's impossibly close, their lips impossibly close as he looks into her eyes.

Nicholas holds her chin before she can bow her head in an attempt to avoid his gaze.

"What's wrong?" he asks, searching her eyes. The woman blinks back her tears avoiding his eyes.

"Princess, talk to me-"

"I'm not a princess. You shouldn't be here...I repulse you."

The prince's heart clenches, hearing her words. "No, you don't. I had to say that just to get you away from there and so that I could leave and find you without any suspicion."

"You shouldn't. I don't want to have someone that says he loves me, throw the truth at my face just so he can see me alone."

"Addy, look at me."

She slowly meets his gaze, tears leaving her eyes, she can't help it. Nicholas internally curses himself for making her cry. He didn't think for even a second about how his words affected her. All he cared about was getting her out of the throne room so he could see her in secret. The prince cups her cheeks wiping away her tears.

"You're not repulsive and you are not a mere slave to me." He takes her hand, pressing it against his chest. "Addy, you're the queen of my heart. It beats only for you."

She looks at her hand on his outlined chest before looking up at him.

"Show me any sign that you understand I love you." Addy slowly nods her head, her eyes not leaving his as she sniffs. Nicholas crashes his lips against hers, startling her, but she responds to his kiss, her hands gripping his shirt. His lips are warm and soft, she loves the feeling already. He presses his body against hers as he breaks the kiss, resting his forehead on hers. "I love you princess."

She nods at him, a shy smile forming on her face.

Nicholas furrows his eyebrows as he examines her cheek. She notices his frown and attempts to use her hair to cover it but he holds her hand.

"What happened? And don't tell me he hit you because that is obvious."

"...I forgot to do a chore," she lies.

What good would it do if she tells him Grayson wanted to rape her? He can't march in there and punish him. Telling him the truth will only remind him of how powerless he is in this situation. Nicholas sighs scanning the mark.

"She's beautiful," Adelaide says, in an attempt to make him forget about her bruise.


"The woman that was sitting beside you." Nicholas groans, closing his eyes for a minute. Everywhere he goes today, he is reminded of Grace.

"Your parents want you to marry her," she deciphers the situation immediately.

"I am not going to," he tells Adelaide, almost like he's promising her he won't. She nods at him because that's all she can do. Who is she to hold him accountable if he does? He's a prince and she's a slave. The only way they can be together without fear of oppression is if they're dead.

"You believe me right?"

Her hesitation upsets him. "Addy"

"Hmm?" her faint smile says it all, she does not believe him. "What should I do to make you believe me?"

"It's okay"

"No, it's not. I am serious about you and the fact that you don't believe me is not fair."

"But you're a prince and I am-"

"My princess." Adelaide blushes, this man really has a way with his words.

"Here, I brought you a pair of sandals," he says, turning to get the sac that is by the hay in the stall, but she holds his hand shaking her head.

"I won't know what to tell them if they ask how I got it."

"Then just wear it, for now, you can take it off before you go." After some hesitation, she wears the sandals.

"They should at least spare you the beatings," he murmurs to himself.

"They will. As soon as the king and queen give them money for a new slave, we can share the work and I wouldn't be beaten as much," she smiles at him.

Nicholas sighs, looking at her, her excitement not matched at all.

"I told my parents to deny them the loan"

Adelaide's smile drops.


"They might not get the loan"

She nods her head, trying to wrap her head around what he just said. "It's okay, you're a prince. You can do what you want."

"It's not like that Addy"

"Please explain to me how it's not like that. That is my only ticket to reduce my workload and possible beatings."

"I will help you"

"You can't help with everything! What if it's a time where I have to work in the fields and they're at home?"

"I can sneak in and-"

"Be realistic, your highness!" she says in fear and frustration.

"You can't sneak on the fields and help me when they are home. You also have your duties to attend to. You are a prince not a slave like me."

"I don't care"

"It doesn't matter if you don't care. Just why?! Why would you deny them a loan that would help me-"

"Because he put your life as collateral!" The prince exclaims in frustration.


See you Monday!

MARRY ME, ADELAIDEWhere stories live. Discover now