Chapter 17: Why Frank's hair is big

Start from the beginning

"I can't believe you're staying with her!" Drew had said, no, shrieked. 

Jason sighed, putting his backpack down. "I promise there's nothing between us."

"How can I be sure-" Jason cut her off by gripping her face with both hands and kissing her. Everyone in the corridor oohed as they kissed for eternity. 

Either way, Jason and Drew really were a thing. 

"And that's everything so far, Grandma," Frank said. 

"Wow." Even through the phone, Frank could tell that Grandma was surprised by how much gossip he was telling her. But Frank wasn't really a gossiper. Not really? Like mostly at least. 

"Well, not much has changed here. I'll see you later, Fai."

"Bye, Grandma!" Frank hung up and turned to his plate of cookies, but instead found everyone staring at him. "Um, how much of that did you hear?"


Jason's POV:

"Was it that bad?" Percy said, jumping into the pool. 

Jason sighed. "It was that bad."

It was another Friday evening, and Jason needed help. "Piper and Khione got into a really really bad argument. And then Piper had a weird flash-"

"Do you think that Khione is related to your flashbacks?" Frank suggested. 

Jason shrugged. "Maybe."

"Khione? She's pretty," Leo said, walking in. "I saw your text a few minutes ago, so sorry I'm late. But Uncle Leo is here now. Tell me all your problems."

"Basically Khione and Piper got into an argument, then she had a flashback, and then Drew and I had another argument," Jason said. 

"Another one?" Frank said. 

Heat colored his cheeks as Jason nodded, remembering how Frank apparently saw almost all the drama, a fact they'd only learned yesterday. 

"It gets worse, though. Then Rachel comes by, and she and Drew talk for a bit while I'm just standing there, waiting for them to finish so I can drop Drew off-"

"Why do you drop Drew off?" Leo said. 

"Well, it's one of the things you do for your girlfriend, apparently," Jason said. According to Percy and Leo, he had had his first kiss, had lost his virginity, but never had a serious girlfriend. How they knew that, he didn't need to know. 

"Anyway, then Rachel had a panic attack, and so we had to rush her to the hospital, and then we met her very wonderful dad who hated me, and then we finally were able to go home."

"So that's why you missed dinner," Percy said. "Are you hungry?"

"Yeah." Jason grabbed a salad from the fridge. "Was everyone okay with that?"

Percy nodded. "Yep! We didn't really come up with much more anyway. Tomorrow, we're still going to Chicago again. Though honestly, that musical is not the best. It's kind of... strange."

"Yeah that's one way to describe it," Frank said. 

"Actually, wasn't Nico kind of upset he wasn't there?" Leo said. 

"Really?" Jason tried to be friendly, but Nico never wanted to talk to him. There was something within those dark eyes that Jason couldn't quite place. It was more than just grief for his sister, there was something more in those depths. 

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