17 September 2012

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17 September 2012

Dear someone,

As people, I think, sometimes, we forget the little things.

While Mum drove me home from the doctor’s office today, I saw an old lady walking across the street. Now this may sound horribly cliché to you, but it is what happened and I’m not going to lie about that. I was staring out the window, watching the poor lady pass in front of us, when a boy came running down the street and helped her across.

I saw him smile at her, real big, and gently place his hand in hers and help her to the other side. My Mum kept complaining about how they were holding up traffic and that she was going to be late to pick Robbie from school. I chose to ignore her and even though I felt a little bad about it, all I could think about was the kindness in that boy’s heart and not my mother’s words.

I wonder if that makes me a bad daughter.

But I also wonder, if listening and believing her words would make me a bad person.

Someday, I hope I will find the answers to these questions and so many more that I have. I really am a curious person.

And I don’t know yet if it’s a bad thing or a good thing.

Sincerely yours,

Georgia Watson

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