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Come on, I wanted to scream at the guards behind this guy. They could jump him with ease.

The man frowned. "Alright, Doctor. I'll radio Alpha One to clear up the issue."

"No," I burst out.

"No?" He cocked a single brow in question. "You're not supposed to be here."

Shit. I couldn't let him contact the Colonel.

I lunged, grappling for his radio. He didn't expect me to charge him, nearly toppling with the force of my aggression. Luckily, the other two guards were ready for action.

While my opponent was off balance, the man swept out his legs, the woman landing a blow to his jaw. They worked in perfect tandem, a tell tale sign of comradeship.

I snatched the radio and threw it off the tower, a cracking thunk sounding from the pavement below.

The man dug his foot into the other man's throat, the woman jumping on top of him to keep him pinned.

"Now," she said through gritted teeth. "We can't hold him for long."

Quickly, I found the equipment I was looking for. A large black box covered with dials and buttons of a melange of shapes and sizes. Two thick orange wires jutted out from the back. Using the knife Warner gave me, I severed them from their ports.

For good measure, I brought the knife down as hard as I could on the hard plastic cover, the blade digging deep into the middle. The cover shattered and fell away, leaving me free to destroy the circuit board.

I had just placed another hard strike when a rough hand grabbed me from behind and threw me to the floor. The impact jarred my hand and sent the knife skittering across the stone.

"Not so brave now, Doctor." The man pressed closer, yanking me up and putting me into a chokehold. I clawed at him and kicked and wriggled but he held fast.

Black spots and white stars swam in my vision. I couldn't breathe. I was going to die.

The hand at my neck fell away and a hard thwack came from the body behind me. He dropped to the floor and laid there motionless as I fell to my knees, gasping for air.

The woman clutched the ruined remnants of the speaker, breathing heavily as she toed the man's head. "That should keep him out for a while. Get out of here while you can," she said. "Bittle and I'll take care of Ferin."

I nodded, coughing as I got to my feet. "What's your name?"

"Private Annika Sileni, ma'am." She looked me up and down, noting my scrubs. "You, doctor?"

I introduced myself. "Thank you, Annika. Thank you."

"Go on," she said, nodding at the trapdoor.

With one last tight smile, I descended the staircase and exited the building. The two guards asked the silent question.

"Done," I said. "But you might want to help Sileni and Bittle with Ferin. He's out cold."

They looked alarmed for a moment before wordlessly racing up the stairs.

Warner stumbled out of the ther set of doors, clutching at his side.

"Warner," I called, rushing to his side. "What happened?"

"Too much fucking fighting," he spit blood onto the ground, "that could have been avoided if they just opened their goddamn eyes."

"Did you get it?" I asked.

"Yeah, you?"

"Barely." Warner grimaced. "What happened to you?" I asked as he gripped his side.

"Wrong end of the knife," he gasped out as I peeled away his fatigues.

"Warner," I exclaimed, pulling off his jacket to hold pressure. "We need to get you to the clinic."

"No," he coughed, "I'm fine. We need to get out of here."

"You're not fine. You need medical attention."'

"Radio, Colonel." He was too breathless to get out more than a few words.

"Warner, look at me." I tapped his face. "I'm going to kill you if you die."

"I'll see you in hell, bitch," he said jaggedly.

I lifted up the jacket. "I think it got you liver. I need to get you to the clinic and you'll be okay. I'm going to get the golf cart and we'll get there, okay?"

"I can walk," he said, ignoring my protesting as we stumbled along.

I couldn't even be happy that we stopped the op. I was too busy worrying about Warner, not to mention Luke and Ian.

We managed a few yards before the yelling began.

"Freeze." Guns clicked like crickets in the night. All pointed at us. "Hands in the air."

Weakly, Warner lifted his arms, but I kept mine tightly against his wound. "I can't or he'll bleed out."

A few of them rushed towards us, breaking us apart. "He's injured," I yelled. "Get him to the clinic. He needs surgery."

Cold metal encircled my wrists, my arms twisted roughly behind my back.

"You're under arrest for treason." It was too dark to see where Warner had gone. I didn;t care. I screamed for him. The man behind me tightened the handcuff. "We'll leave you to the Colonel."

"I don;t care what you do to me. Just get him help. Get him to the clinic." The man didn;' respond. "There'll be nothing left of him to punish if you don't get him to the clinic. Please."

He ignored me, letting me kick and scream until I had nothing left. I didn't stop fighting him even as my limbs turned to lead and my throat was raw and dry.

They carried me to the admin building as I raged, Warner nowhere in sight. Someone forced me through a narrow door, slamming my shoulder into the frame. With the adrenaline rushing through my veins, I could barely feel it. I could barely feel anything but the icy wrath coursing through my body.

Another door, another hall. More dim lights and blank walls.

A final door, a final shove. I fell to the floor and they locked me in. 

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