lxix. family is our greatest strength

Start from the beginning

Their moment is interrupted by laughs coming from down the hall which causes confused expressions to appear on both Klaus' and Cullen's faces. Walking down the hall they enter the study to see everyone sitting around, even Hope had joined them, but the look on her face was obvious to anyone who could see. She was sad and hurt and mad at the world.

"We should honor our brother's sacrifice. And if Nik's time is up, then, I guess I didn't want to miss my chance to bitch and moan.Because he is a tremendous ass." Kol laughs, along with everyone else in the room, the atmosphere oddly light.

"That he is." Klaus states, making his and Cullen's presence known. "But he oh-so-secretly adores his youngest brother." Cullen let's a sad smile appear on her face as Klaus and Kol hug, Klaus not knowing how much those words actually meant to Kol. "Well, don't stop on my account. If this is to be my funeral, then, let's get on with it."

The "funeral" is moved to the dining room, the family crowding around one small table. Cullen grips her daughters hand, putting on a brave face as each family member lists off something they like about Klaus. Even in such a sad situation the family still laughs and smiles, thinking of the good times and the bad times, but in the end every decision Klaus Mikaelson ever made had led him to Cullen James, who in turn gave them all Hope Mikaelson, the bright and shining hope that would always and forever light up their family. And at the end of the dinner Cullen can't help but raise her glass along with the rest of them and cheers to the family she had made.

"All right." Rebekah speaks up. "It's time for an old-fashioned wish burning ceremony." They all walk into the courtyard where the bonfire is set up, writing down their wishes before throwing them into the fire.

"You know, as much as I've savored the joy of tormenting you throughout the years, I must confess you all mean everything to me." Klaus begins, glancing around his family. Your loyalty and your counsel and your love... is probably the only reason why I've survived as long as I have. Which is how I know... ...long after I'm gone... ...you will all come together, time and time again, to take care of each other. And that is why I'm not afraid... ...for your future." Klaus looks towards Hope, tears shining in everyones eyes. Cullen tries not to let them fall as she looks anywhere, but her husband.

"We're bound forever to those with whom we share blood. And while we may not choose our family...that bond is our greatest strength." Elijah states.

"Though I may be leaving you tonight...this is not the end of the Mikaelsons." Klaus exclaims. "Always and forever."

"Always and Forever." They all repeat. Those are the heaviest words spoken as the family says goodbye, each of them going to their respective rooms until it's just Klaus, Cullen, and Hope left.

"I want to go with you." Hope tells him, her eyes filled with love for her father.

"I don't think you should." Klaus sighs.

Hope is quiet for a moment as she accepts the fate the world has handed her. "I'm gonna make you proud. I can't promise that I won't go through a period where I get irresponsible tattoos and date older men, but I'm gonna go back to school. And I'll be okay. Because I'm a Mikaelson. And I promise you, I'm gonna do right by our name."

"I know you will." Klaus whispers. "I love you more than all the days and nights, deeper than the oceans and the skies."

"I love you, too." Hope cries. "How do we do this?"

Cullen stands back, tears streaming down her face as she watches Klaus place his head against Hope's. "I wish I knew."

As they pull away Cullen walks forward, wrapping her arms around Hope. "Go upstairs, sweetheart." Hope nods, pulling away from her mother. Before she's out of reach Cullen grabs ahold of her hand, squeezing it. "I love you."

"I love you, too." Hope whispers, leaving Klaus and Cullen alone.

"We've had a good run." Klaus tries to joke as Cullen turns to face him. "Had a child, got married. I'd say that's pretty good."

Cullen ignores his attempt at humor, walking towards him. When there are only inches separating them Cullen places her hand on his cheek, pulling him into a kiss that said so many different things. 'I love you.' 'You mean the world to me.' 'I'm sorry.' "You have made sacrifice after sacrifice for me and our family." Cullen begins. "I will love you, Klaus Mikaelson, even after I'm dead." Moving forward again, Cullen places her lips back on Klaus' in one last kiss. As she does she can feel the dark magic beginning to enter her body, the Hollow taking over. Pulling away Cullen reaches into her back pocket, grasping a handful of dust. "Always and Forever." And just as he had done to her so many times before Cullen blows the dust into his face, watching as his body becomes limp. Stepping past his unconscious form Cullen makes her way to the entrance of the compound, magic sparking at her fingertips.


Cullen sighs as she takes one last look at her home, New Orleans, before making her way to where the Hollow was born, the land still open and untouched. Cullen could feel the pull, the Hollow hadn't completely taken over her, but she could feel Inadu. Cullen stops when she reaches the middle of the field, the dark magic flowing through her.

"I've accepted that I am going to die tonight." Cullen speaks up, talking to the witch inside of her. "We were wrong all those years ago. In order for you to die a sacrifice needed to be made. My sacrifice. I'm ready now."

Hearing her words Inadu begins to fight Cullen, the dark magic inside of her only getting stronger. The ancient witch knew all along that Cullen could be the only one to kill her.

Cullen didn't need to see herself to know her eyes were flashing a bright blue. If she didn't hurry she would run out of time. "I know the only way to kill you." Cullen whispers, sucking in a breath when another wave of magic hits her. "I know it'll kill me in the process. I've accepted my fate. Have you?" The whispers in her head become almost unbearable as Inadu screams in her mind. Reaching forward Cullen raises her hands, a ring of fire surrounding her.

"Terra Mora Vantis Quo Incandis, per Vasa Quo Errum Signos. Phasmatos selvus Terra Mora Vantis Quo Incandis, per Vasa Errum Quo Signos." Cullen continues the spell, Inadu fighting her as the hellfire around her grows, brighter and hotter. Moving to grab the white oak stake from her back pocket Cullen wraps her hands around it, the fire still raging as she whispers a spell. "Oribos turai manecsitus. Orbiem. Oribos turai manecsitus. Orbiem."

Cullen can feel as the last of her magic leaves her, along with the Hollow. Her vampirism being the only thing holding her up. Once the voices subside she throughs the white oak stake into the hellfire, the mythical fire burning the stake along with the Hollow and her magic.

And as the last of the hellfire burns Cullen begins to sway on her feet, the magic she had just used not only taking all of her energy, but her power. As Cullen falls to the ground, the last thing she thinks of is Klaus and Hope. And how she hopes they know she will love them. Always and Forever.

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