Chapter Twenty Three

Start from the beginning

Lia and Xavier are on good terms again. She told Blair and me how he came to our apartment to explain and apologize. Sweet of him because if he hadn't, I would've dragged his fine ass all the way to Tartarus.

Putting my pompoms down, I grab my water bottle to quench my thirst. It's dark but the air is hot and my uniform is sticking to my body.

"Hey, hot stuff."

I nearly spit out the water upon hearing his voice. I turn around and gawk at Will.

What is he doing?

Will suddenly crowds my space, bringing forth his sweaty yet fruity scent with him.

"Let me slide into that cunt again, Rumi, come on, you know you wanna." Will smirks, it's filthy and wicked.

Ew, what did I see in this douchebag?

I take a step back but he follows it with one of his.

"Will, please."

"Just like how I like 'em, begging." Will licks his lips as he checks out my body with a sleazy gaze.

"After I win this lame fucking game, I want you to suck my dick in the locker room. Then I'll fuck you like the whore you are." Will sneers crudely, nothing hot or seducing about the look.

"I will shove my pompoms so far up your ass that you won't be able to differentiate your pea-sized brain from the tassels if you don't back the fuck up." I snap with irritation.

Will's smirk falters and anger quickly replaces it. He grabs me so abruptly, I don't get time to process the touch. It's when he presses me against his body and tries to kiss me, that my madness breaks the scale.

You're dead.

I place my hands on his chest and push him away, ready to bring my knee to his ping-pong-sized balls.

But before I can make him kneel before me, Will is ripped away from me. I gawk at Zack as he punches Will right across the jaw.

Oof, that's gotta hurt.

Will spits out blood and smiles slyly, his sleazy eyes coming to me. Zack is in his face within seconds, snatching him by his jersey. Players from both teams run to hold back their QBs.

"Zack." I grab him by his huge bicep in an attempt to stop him before he does something that could jeopardize his chance at playing tonight.

Zack's anger is hot and untamed. There'd be smoke coming out of his ears if this was a cartoon. Zack tugs Will closer to him, handling him with laughable ease.

"Don't ever touch her again," Zack growls, jaw clenched, "Not in front of me and not in my game. If I catch you eyeing her up, if I see you ever disrespecting her, I'll break every single bone in your body until you're nothing but a sack of worthless shit."

Will rips Zack's fists from his jersey and brushes it off as if it were dirt. Zack glares him down, not backing down an inch. Both coaches slide in quickly to break up the fight, no doubt they're going to chew their QBs out for causing a scene.

No doubt the crowd saw it. My girls are probably ready to kick Will's ass.

"Nolee, are you okay?"

"Girl, you good?"

"What just happened?"

Cloe, Bonnie, and Krystal rush to my side to make sure I'm alright. I nod my head, reassuring them.

I've come across a lot of 'Wills' in my dating history and I can hold my own when dealing with weak men like them.

Before leaving for the locker room, Zack stops in front of me. His eyes burning with anger, but his honey-color softens as he rakes those gorgeous eyes down my body, not in a sleazy way, but in a concerned way.

"You okay?" Zack gruffly asks, his palm reaching out and cradling my cheek.

I breathe in content, his touch feeling like home.

I hum, smiling.

"Yeah, thank you."

Zack frowns, still upset about what just happened but looks more relaxed seeing as I'm not troubled at all. I am shaken up but not intimidated.

Zack leaves through the tunnel leading to the locker rooms.

What Zack did for me was heart-melting. He stood up for me, picked a fight for me. He protected me. Those threatening words he sputtered to Will did wonders to my heart and to my womanly libido. I never thought I'd be the type of girl to be turned on by rough, freaky sex and raw viciousness.

I blame Zack.

<3 <3 <3 <3

The last quarter of the football game begins. My eyes are on Zack as he gets into position. Whatever telepathy we have between us works as our eyes meet and smiles light up both of our faces. I mouth a you got this as I wave my pompoms at him, he tips his helmet to me as a response.

"Keep your head up!"

"Wildcats got your back!"

"Keep your head up!"

"Just keep on going, Wildcats!"

It's intense.

The game is close.

If the Wildcats get a touchdown, we win. The Badgers are leading 58 to 54. There are twenty-four seconds left on the clock.

The whistle blows and Zack catches the ball thrown to him before scanning the field for his receivers. There's one player near the thirty-yard line, looking ready to zoom to the end zone.

Zack goes for it and hurls the ball to the wide receiver.

Everyone watches with held breaths as the ball flies through the air, and lands perfectly in the player's arms. My cheerleaders and I shout encouraging cheers, fueling the fire already blazing.

But, the player who caught the ball is being chased by Badgers' players. Just as I thought he'd be tackled and lose the ball, he snaps the ball towards his fellow player and the player turns out to be Zack Mackenyu.

With no one blocking him, tackling him, and with an open field in front of him, Zack runs.

A trail-blazing fire behind him as he goes for the touchdown.

Zack wins the game for Lake Bellevue Wildcats.

The crowd goes wild.

My heart soars in pride and happiness for him.

We wave our pompoms excitedly at our boys. And the boys, they jump on each other, hug each other, do cute little victory dances for their crowd.

As everything goes on, my eyes are on Zack.

Zack worked so hard for tonight's game, studied so hard, put his body through hell. This is not a useless, brainless athlete, this is a smart and passionate football player. This boy lives and breathes football, football is what he's born to do.

Tonight is Zack's night.

I step onto the field, giddy, happy, and a feeling too strong over-whelming me. Players from our team high-five me, ruffle my hair, and hug me but my eyes and heart are for one guy and I'm waiting for him to hold me, kiss me, let me share his victory with him.

Zack has taken his helmet off, his honey-blonde hair is sweaty, falling over his eyes—those eyes which are glowing with happiness. A stupid smile on his gorgeous, Adonis face, those dimples bringing butterflies to my stomach.


My heart drops when I see Summer run up to him, hug him, and kiss him.

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