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Chapter 13 : tank top

- Eren Dusk - P.O.V

I was in the woods alone and it was cold. i was wearing one of the clothes we leave around. I felt like a mess. everything was messy and I can't stop myself. I just cried. for the first time since a year after my brother death I cried. the worst part is that I just want to feel protected and everytime i think being safe Adrian image come to mind.

because of this stupid pull between us all i want to do is hug him.

I just saw my brother murderer and all I could think about is hugging that mutt Adrian!

What is wrong with me!

after I'm finished with my crying episode I took my phone. It's already 5 in the morning. I should go back.

standing up i make a beeline to the pack house. it was empty, everyone still asleep i guess. (not)

I hear a voice in the kitchen. I enter to be greeted by my mother.

"Hello sweetheart. what are you doing awake so early? did you hit your head?" she actually had a look of horror on her face! what's up with that?!

"I couldn't sleep so I went for a run" I was still debating myself if i should tell her the story. she looked frightened after all.

her face relaxed severally "oh, wow. i actually thought you woke up early. You scared me"

What? is she serious?

" you look like someone murdered your kitten because you thought I woke up early?"

she raised an eyebrow at me " you who one bay might start a movement against waking up before 10 or 11 in the morning come into the kitchen at 5. if that doesn't mean something is wrong it just means one thing"

the horror full face came back. replaced with a smiling face. she looked like someone give her the best gift ever she could think off.

"did you have sex with your mate?! is this your shame come back or something? wanting us to think you are on a run ? "

if my mothe could turn to much of an ' O ' then it already is, it would!


she had a shady smile "this is a perfectly reasonable question!"

"you're awake at 5 mom and last i checked i took the whole ' kill them the are morning person ' from you!"

" I already have a mate. what's your point?! now answer!"

"i didn't not find my mate" i raised my hand for her to get it "and now I'm going to sleep! i have classes at 9 or 10 i think" before waiting for a response I dashed out of there.

I was half way up the stairs when i heard her call " wait Eren, have you seen a backpack around?"

I stopped. is this is a code for something? "what backpack?"

"oh do you know Adrian? the new kid we have?" him again! does she know? is that what's the code for? did he tell her???

" what about him?"

she sounded angry "look at your mother when she talks to you!" I turn to face her hoping my face gave up nothing." thank you" she continued "he was looking for his backpack. i said i would help looking for it"

" how would I know where does he put his ***?" she almost gave me a heart attack! I wasn't okay with that!

"watch the language!" she frowned at me.

"sorry. I should go now" i then turn to leave. stupid Adrian losing his stupid backpack! how would I know where the da....

oh crap!

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