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Chapter 12 : focus. your work is your life.

- Adrian Gold - P.O.V

she didn't even want to look at me. how could I for even a moment think that there is a chance she could accept me as her mate. now I am not an Alpha and she wants an Alpha. and if she knew who I am really she would do more then just ignore me.

I was on my bed looking at nothing. I remember the first time i came to this pack. it was for an assassination attempt. we killed the Alpha's son. that would be Eren's brother. If she finds out who I am, what I do. I can't imagine what she would do, what she would feel.

I should focus on my work now. no time to petty myself.

I get of bed and opened the secret pocket in my bag to get my work outfit. after that I look for my backpack. S***! where is it.

i look around my room. It's a small room there is no place for the backpack to hide in! and I'm sure it didn't fly away!

I got out of my room after putting my work clothes back. I went to the bathrooms first. nothing

the kitchen. nothing

the living rooms. nothing

"what are you looking for" a voice asked from the back. I turn to see the Luna.

"Luna." I bow

"son. you look like you have seen a ghost or something" she laughed "straighten up please"

I rise my head "what is it that you're looking for?"

"my backpack. I can't find it"

"it the middle of the night on a work day! son go to sleep and will look for it tomorrow. okay?"

it's not like I can refuse "yes. sorry for the trouble" I bow again excusing myself.

"oh son, you're too formal" she say before leaving herself.

formal? was I?

I went back to my room to change. it was a black outfit. black jeans. black shirt. black jacket. and a mask.

our group the lily. they don't have one uniform. we were Alfas we won't want to look the same. so my work clothes only have to similaritie with other lilies

one is the necklace

two is the magic covering our suits. it gives us the ability to shift to wolf then back to human with clothes on. it's useful for the few of us who have to wear a mask.

not so much for me. after all my biggest secret is my wolf. I'm not showing him to anybody. ever.

i promised.

other than the whole being clothed thing it also mask my scent. no more vanilla! yay!

I looked out of the window and searched for anything suspicious before jumping out of it.

I went to make myself familiar with the pack territory. after that I'll look around and see where the different tracks lead me.

normally you are a tracker or a worrier. yes you are trained in both as a wearwolf but one of them only basics.

for us lilies we are fully trained in both and more.

I went into the woods. I decided to start into the north.

it's been 3 hours with nothing until I found something I could follow

it was a weird track. why?

all the fresh tracks belong to the worries. and the worries move with the same pattern. this tracks on the other hand are different. the don't move with sync with the rest of the tracks.

I kept on following the tracks. who ever made it was trying to make sure nobody would follow him. I can't even smell him.

moving with the tracks i came across another set of tracks. this time the person was a female and it looks like she didn't want to mask or cover her self but she is walking on the same direction as the first person.

continuing on my way my nose catch a scent. the scent of fresh air in the morning with mangos and strawberries.

my heart fell to my feet. the guy I'm tracking could harm the lady. he could harm Eren. my Eren!

my wolf growled!

I started to run as fast as I can pecking up the tracks as efficient as I could.

I finally could pick up his scent and so I went up the trees to take an advantage point and I would be able to go near him fast without getting detect it.

finally I saw him. a guy in a leather jacket and jeans. he looked like an a**h****

he was talking to someone. to Eren! she looked mad

he made our mate mad! he should pay!

yes he should!

I was about to jump in when the guy turned to a red wolf. and Eren turnd to her all so amazing wolf. it was gray and at the end of her feet. above the paws it was flaming red. she looked like she was running on flames.

they circled each other and I know that's my cue. before I jumped into the fight I remembered to put on my lily.

I jumped between them. I wanted to try my best not to talk.

I was giving Eren my back and circling in sync with her. it annoyed he she wanted to push me away. her move made the other wolf attack.

he lunched at us and I took this opportunity to grab his face. he was almost as tall as me. just a little shorter.

having his face in my hand i pulled him up leaving his stomach kind of exposed giving me the perfect spot to punch him in the stomach he fell. I then grabbed his face near the ears and throw him into the trees.

for a normal wolf that's impossible. for an Alpha the would be somewhat hard. for me? It's like throwing a book.

the wolf was mad he attacked again but I was prepared. and before he could do anything he got a sneak attack from miss Eren. she bit him on the shoulder.

he tried to shack her of but he couldn't. the wolf then changed into a tree wanting to slam her on it.

I moved as fast as i could. i was between the tree and Eren to slow the impact. but the hit was hard enough for her to let him go.

he turned to face us wanting to attack again. But I give him a hit. then another hit i smashed him enough for him to look Frightened his face as pale as snow.

he started to retreat slowly and when he got far enough he ran away.

Eren started to dash after him but i stopped her by stopping in front of her. I couldn't risk touching her.

she tried to move next me but i stood in her way we continued like that like we were dancing a weird dance.

when i made sure his she couldn't follow his sent I stopped.

she growled and went past me.

moments later she came back in human form and by then I was on a tree away from her.


she stood still for a few seconds and if it wasn't for my wolf hearing i wouldn't hear what she said.

" i hesitated. why?? i should have killed him he killed my brother"

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