Ch. 29 - Jealous Wolf

Start from the beginning

"You are not allowed within a 3-mile radius of him."

"That's not fair Zekaj!"  Hunter said in his head. "I have all these runes, I should be allowed to put them to use,"

"No,"  Zekaj simply stated.

Hunter rolled his eyes and looked over at Max who was staring at him with furrowed brows.

"Ehem, I'm sure he won't attack here. We aren't that important." Hunter assumed. "They know there's a strong mage pack here too. They don't kill mages, usually."

Hunter knew he was safe with the void demon in his head. Zekaj wouldn't let any harm come to him, and with his new powers, he was certain Zekaj was a powerful opponent to the Pack Killer.

"Maybe," Max replied. The wolf twiddled his thumbs and stared down at the table just as the bell rang.

Max quickly left the room and Hunter packed up his own things and headed for his locker. It was a ways from the classroom but he didn't mind the walk.

Hunter entered in his combo and quickly grabbed his book.

"I'm just saying, I'd be a lot more helpful if I was in the fight than if I was three miles away."

"I know that of course. You have powerful attacks but weak defenses. You're a glass cannon."  Zekaj said honestly.

Hunter knew this was true, but also not at the same time. Zekaj was forgetting one big detail.

"I do have a strong defense Zekaj. I have you."

Hunter felt warmth within him as if Zekaj was blushing. Hunter knew that if Zekaj was walking beside him that his face would be bright red.

The two left the school and Hunter was about to get into his car when a hand grabbed his shoulder. Hunter was quickly turned away from his car and was face to face with the grey eyes of Aj.

"What were you and Max talking about," Aj was quick to get to the point.

Hunter was shocked to see Aj, it had been a while. Was he here to pick up Max?

"Nothing?" Hunter answered with a question.

Max's bigger form soon showed up to the talk right behind Aj. The wolf looked a little anxious, Aj must have left in a hurry to find Hunter.

"Max won't tell me. What were you talking about?" Aj pestered.

Hunter caught the gaze of the beta behind his alpha, who was shaking his head no. Max didn't want Hunter to tell Aj that he was stressing over the dangers he'd be facing as an alpha wolf.

"Just English stuff," We're in the class together.

The alpha squinted his eyes and looked back and forth between the two. Max looked at the ground the whole time.

"You should tell the truth, it'd make this a lot more dramatic,"  Zekaj suggested.

"You were talking about the Pack Killer again weren't you?" Max inferred, making the conversation a lot more dramatic like Zekaj had wished.

Max didn't reply and Aj just sighed and pinched his nose.

"I told you it's not a big deal. He'd never attack our pack, Max." Aj sighed.

"You don't know that," Max mumbled.

"Come on," Aj grabbed Max's hand and pulled him away from Hunter's car.

"But you didn't even help," Zekaj said.

"I know, but it was nice for him to be nice to me for once. I'll take it."  Hunter got into his car and threw his bookbag in the back seat.

"He probably just needed to get laid."  Zekaj snickered.

"They didn't have a mating mark, they haven't done that yet."  Hunter shivered at the thought.  "Why are you even thinking about them having sex?"

"I'm not!"  Zekaj defended himself. 

Hunter looked up from his seat and saw the two wolves make their way across the parking lot. The small handhold they had turned into Max having a protective arm around Aj's shoulder that was hidden as just a simple gesture of friends.

The mage sighed, wanting to feel Zekaj's touch too. He quickly pulled out of the parking spot and headed home. With how packed the town was, it was risky to have Zekaj in the front seat so he had to wait till he got home to be held by Zekaj.

Ten minutes later, the mage and demon were pulling into the Sullivan household. Hunter hopped out of his seat and quickly headed for the door. The rest of the family was at work, the two would have the house to themselves for a while. Before the door was even closed Zekaj was fading out of his body.

The void demon wrapped his arms around the mage and rested his head on his shoulder.

"Mmm," Zekaj smiled against Hunter's shoulder. "Nap time."

"I could use a nap," Hunter smiled.

Zekaj lifted Hunter into a bridal hold causing the mage to yelp in surprise.

"Shh," Zekaj shushed him, Hunter rolled his eyes.

"You scared me,"

"Oopsie," Zekaj smiled at the mage in his arms as he made his way upstairs to Hunter's room.

Hunter opened the door from Zekaj's hold and the two entered their room. The mage was quickly dropped onto the bed as the demon pulled his shirt off.

Zekaj was soon down to his boxers and crawled into the bed. Hunter pulled his shoes off and looked back at the demon. Zekaj looked him directly in the eye and patted his chest.

The blonde boy rolled his eyes at him but Zekaj caught the smile that formed. Hunter pulled off the rest of his clothes and quickly got in right next to the demon and snuggled up against his strong chest.

"Mmm," Zekaj said, drawing circles with his fingers on Hunter's back.

"I don't think I'll ever get used to this feeling," Hunter whispered.

Zekaj hummed in agreement as he looked down at the human.

"So where are you taking me on our date tomorrow," Zekaj asked.

"It's a surprise Zekey," Hunter smiled.

"Ugghhhhh," The demon groaned. "Please tell me,"




"Pretty please?" Zekaj pestered.

"No," Hunter repeated.

"Fine, No sex," Zekaj said. "For a month!"

Hunter looked up at the demon who seemed proud of his punishment.

"You do realize that means you won't get to have sex with me for a whole month. Which means you'll have to wait even longer."

Zekaj's eyes widened in realization.

"No no you can't do that!" Zekaj whined. "I take it back, it can be a surprise!"

Hunter's grin grew wider and he snuggled up more against the demon.

Zekaj calmed down and watched as the human in his arms slowly fell asleep.

Thanks for reading.

Sorry this chapter took so long.  Life's rough.  Hopefully I'll be out of this funk soon.

I try to keep everyone updated on my twitter @14mek.


Where is Hunter taking Zekaj?

Thanks for reading! <3


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