4~ final applicants

Start from the beginning

Whether I made it in or not didn't really phase me. I was just proud that I managed to get as far as I did and step outside of my comfort zone.
There were so many other talented girls who practised for months before coming to this audition, and for me who literally just showed up a few hours before to make it in? I don't think so.

My train of thought was interrupted when I felt a light tap on my shoulder.

"Soojinnie!" exclaimed the familiar girl.
"Chohee unnie!" I responded.

"How was your audition? Did you do well?" she asked eagerly.
"I'm not sure...I think I did okay but I don't think it was enough to make it in."
"Ay don't think like that," she chuckled,
"With looks like yours, you automatically get a pass card!"

We chatted for a bit more and I got to know Chohee a lot more. It was her life long dream to become an idol, ever since she discovered 2NE1 back when she was in middle school. Her goal was to bring happiness to her fans and encourage them to strive for their dreams.

"Chohee unnie, you really are something." I sighed in adoration.
"Ah Doodinnie you're too kind!" she chimed in aegyo, gripping her hands together.

We we're suddenly interrupted when a loud call echoed the hall.

"Thank you everyone for waiting," a woman in black stated boldly.
"I will now be announcing the final applicants for BELIFT LAB's I-LAND Season 2."

Gasps and whispers echoed my ears as girls began to fidget nervously. Chohee glanced at me with trembling orbs as she linked her arm with mine gently. I smiled up at her having almost no expectations of hearing my name.

"Park Aerum, Choi Heeyoung, Kim Misun..."

Gradually pockets of girls squealed in excitement as their surrounding auditionees watched in envy.

"...Kim Chohee..."

Chohee jumped as she widened her eyes in pure shock. She looked at me innocently and squeezed my arm as tight as she could. We silently cheered in delight as we gleamed at each other.

"Chohee unnie! You did it! You're gonna be an applicant!" I praised as I hugged her figure.

"THANK YOU SOOJIN! I'm going to go insane. This is crazy!"

We continued to celebrate for a while longer until suddenly my ears picked up a familiar name from the lady's mouth.

"And finally...Park Soojin."

What the-
Did I heard that right?
Is there another Park Soojin...or did I....?

As I gawked in shock, I locked eyes with the kind man standing next to the woman.

My heart softened as his gentle gaze met mine, smiling like a proud dad.

"FIghting Park Soojin!" he mouthed excitedly.

That's when it all came crashing down on me at once.

I just made it as an applicant.
I just made it as an applicant.

Chohee and I started at each other in silence. Both of us completely in awe of the slim chance of us both getting in.

"PARK SOOJINNNNNNNNNNN!" she practically screamed.

Chohee engulfed me into a tight embrace as she caressed my hair soothingly.

Under her touch, I began processing what had happened.

Am I dreaming?
How in God's name am I suppose to become an idol?
What do I tell mum?

All this soon became distant as I soon got sucked into Chohee's hyped cheering.
We continued to cheer in each other's embrace before separating.

This was then I began to take notice of the poor girls who had not heard their name.
Some girls hung their heads low whilst others stomped their feet and cursed out the company. Either way all of them soon made their way out of the hall and exited the building.

Eventually there was roughly 30 girls left in the hall waiting excitedly for the lady's next words.

"Thank you girls. Today you were the top 28  auditionees who we found to be the best fit for our upcoming show." the woman spoke.

"Whether it be your singing, rapping, dancing, looks or even personality, we have seen potential in you and would like to showcase it."

The girls all smiled in a flattered manner holding their hands tightly.

"The show will air in a 5 days so until then, please prepare to pack your things to move into the new facilities. Thank you for your time, we look forward to working with you all."

We all applauded and thanked the judges and watched as they exited the hall.

"Yay Soojin! We're gonna be moving in together in 5 days!" Chohee squealed.

Wait 5 days.
That's barely any time.

All the other girls seemed at ease and were still celebrating their achievement completely unphased by the sudden news of quick airing of the show.

"Wait its airing in only 5 days? We're moving in so soon? Were you told this already?" I questioned a bit taken aback.

"Haha yeah! You weren't? Most of the girls were so confident they were gonna get in that they packed their things months in advance!" she explained.

I almost forgot that auditioning for an idol survival show is not normally people decide last minute.

I ran my hands through my hair  thinking of how much I need to prepare if I really want to do well in this thing.
Pft. For a moment I forgot that I can barely even perform. 

Just as I was overthinking the situation, my vision was brightened with the face of a kind soul.

"Hello Hyunsik," I greeted as I bowed instantly.

"Ah yes Soojin, congratulations on making the cut!" he praised with a gentle smile.
"I am so delighted to have you on our team, I think we will get along very nicely."

I grinned at the man, grateful to have someone as sweet as him to look up to.

"Anyways, I just came over to say that the judges and I were very impressed with your performance today." he spoke kindly.

" Out of all the auditionees, your skill was by far the most advanced considering the fact that you had such little time to prepare."

I looked at him with shocked yet euphoric eyes.

"To make you the best you can be, I would like to offer you a few private training sessions with me to help prep you for the show. What do you think?"

I froze in shock hearing such a mind-boggling and generous proposition.

He wants to teach me?
When did I get this lucky?

"Is this allowed?" I asked a little concerned of the rules and regulations of the show.

"Ne, as long as the trainer is willing, private sessions outside originally scheduled group sessions are permitted." he stated in a calm manner.

I stared at the ground for a few seconds before finally making up my mind.

"Okay then, I would love to accept your offer Hyunsik."

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