"I was going to have you lads tweet it out on your One Direction twitter account, but everyone seems to know." Savannwah comments, putting the phone away once again. "But, we still should ayway. In case some people don't believe it." She tells us

"I'll do it," Harry quickly says, fishing his phone from his pocket. 


I can say things like I used to say again. I can make these random comments at three am when I can't sleep and I won't be reprimanded for it. Around 2014 is when Modest started making us tone down on our tweeting so we only tweeted about things we were doing, like performing.

I watch as Harry logs into the One Direction account, and he quickly types out a tweet, showing Savannah before he posts it, putting the phone back in his pocket. 

@OneDirection We'd like you to know that Modest, Syco, and Us have gone our separate ways. As of the last week, we are now under Star Records. We'd like to thank everything Syco and Modest have done for us, but we will no longer be working with them

"Very well," Savannah leans forward in her chair once again, "We shall move on now that that's taken care of." 

"What's the next step?" I ask, nervous for her answer. Are we coming out tomorrow? The next day? When? How?

"That's why you two are here. We don't want to just type a measly little tweet and that be all, right?" She asks, raising a brow. I quickly shake my head. "No, we've always thought about how we would do it, and we want it to be in a special way."

"Like," I try to think of how to explain it to her, "When we first come out, I want it to be in person with as many fans as possible surrounding us. I don't want to be alone as we show the world who we really are. But then, we'd also like there to be evidence, like something written down. So yea, maybe a tweet, but after we  do something." I finish, cocking my head, not sure if that made any sense. 

Savannah nods along anyway, "I know what you mean," she says, jotting a few things down on the notebook in front of her. "Give me a few places and scenarios you were thinking." She elaborates, and I feel so much better knowing that we actually have a say in all this.

"Well," Harry starts, "If we want to do it in public with all our fans, doing it at a concert just makes the most sense." He says, and I have to agree with him. 

Savannah nods as well, "Yea there isn't many other places with a group that big in one place. If you were to do it at a concert, how would you?" She asks, and I pick at my fingernails, unsure.

Ideas float between the three of us for the next half hour of so, until Harry and I need to get back to the hotel before the concert tonight. We're in Dublin right now, and Savannah had to meet up with another artist here, so she decided to talk to us as well. 

We have one more show in Dublin, and finally our last three shows of the tour in Sheffield. I'm nervous for the tour to end, but at the same time I'm excited for what's to come in our future, especially my future with Harry.

"What're you thinking about darling ?" Harry asks me as we step into our hotel room. The other three boys are sharing a suite, but I wanted to get my own room with Harry. So we did. 

I turn my head up to look at him. "Nothing important baby, just excited for what's to come." I tell him in all honesty. 

He smiles and wraps his arms around me, holding me as close to his body as possible. I giggle as he lifts me up and I wrap my legs around his waist as he sits on the bed, maneuvering himself so his back is against the headboard and I sit on his lap.

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