Chapter 1

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Addison smirked as she turned the latch of her patio door, slow so it was silent. She cringed as the door creaked at the same sticking point as always, just a slight too small to slide her body through. She turned the deadbolt back into place and laid her purse on the counter without a sound.

Her heart raced in her chest, she knew he'd be upstairs showering after a long day of work. The warm water cleared his head.

He shouldn't work on the weekends, but he always did. Now that he finally convinced her to sell her apartment in the city and move in with him, she'd have to get used to balancing his work life.

Addison moved towards the stairs, she could hear the shower running in their master bathroom. A flutter erupted in her chest, she never got to surprise him like this.

She had been in the city signing the closing papers on her apartment, which is where he thought she still was. She had planned to stay in a hotel so that she wouldn't need to drive back to the Hamptons too late in the evening. Well, it wasn't that she planned on it per say, she would've been happy to drive home and consummate their first night in their home. But he insisted she be safe and get a hotel, he cared about her too much to chance an accident late at night. The closing papers had been finished earlier than expected, and her realtor was able to get her in early in the afternoon.

So as her pen swiped across the signature line for the final time she decided to cancel the hotel reservation and drive home. And that's exactly where she was, tiptoeing up the stairs inching closer to the cracked bedroom door. She had on a flowing sundress, she had ditched her bra and panties in the car so she could drop the dress as soon as his eyes landed on her.

The smell of his body wash filled her senses, the steam carrying the scent into the bedroom and out into the hallway. She heard some rustling behind the door and her heart beat in her ears, she loved surprising him.

Her hand met the wood of the door as she gently pushed it forward.

The steam hit her like a wall.

In her peripheral she could see the bathroom door ajar, the shower still running.

Ahead of her the bed was made. The duvet rumpled and wet

from the two writhing bodies on top of it.

The world slowed around her but sped up. They didn't see her. They didn't hear her. In the second she had been in the room they were enthralled in each other's bodies.

Nipping, licking, clutching.

Heavy breathing and closed eyes.

Long brown hair and biceps.

And then she returned. From wherever she had gone for the few moments since she had opened the door, and for the first time the realization hit her harder than the wall of steam.

It hit her like a squeeze of her heart and the blood draining from her body. It took her voice and didn't let her avert her eyes.

And finally

she stumbled back a step, her arms raising as if to defend her from a physical attack. Or maybe to push away what she was watching.

A sound left her lips. It wasn't a word, it wasn't a cry, it wasn't even an exhale. It was despair.

And then they saw her. Her eyes had filled with water, but she could still see the widening of their eyes. The blood drained from their bodies, too.

"Ad--" and that's what ripped her from her reverie.

Two quick backsteps, a turn and she was heading down the stairs. She heard more shouts behind her. Some calling her name, some shouting obscenities at the other.

She picked up her purse exactly where she left it on the counter. She knew he'd be right behind her.

The door creaked as she opened it, she didn't bother shutting it. She stumbled her way down the patio stairs, nearly falling into the sand.

She didn't head for her car, which probably would've made the most sense. But she wasn't thinking and her legs were leading her.

"Addison stop, please baby." He was screaming, desperate.

She didn't realize where her body was taking her until Noah swung his back porch door open.

Noah had heard the shouting and thought something was wrong, running outside. He saw Addison, his neighbor, closing the distance between their houses and coming towards him. She looked pale and her expression was stone.

He looked past her and saw James running, more accurately tripping his way through the sand, a towel haphazardly held around his waist. Otherwise, naked.

Addison saw Noah and let out a breath of relief, and then she stopped. His face screamed devastation. For the first time since she left her bedroom, she turned around. James, her boyfriend, was close behind her. Megan behind him, clutching a bed sheet around her naked body.

And then Addison ran for Noah as he came to the same realization that Addison had just minutes prior.

His fiancé had cheated with his best friend.

Addison fell into Noah, instinctively he wrapped his arms around her.

"Let's go, please Noah let's go." It was a breathless plea.

Megan shouted as she began to run as well, which was difficult in the tapestry she was wearing. And just like Addison, Noah stumbled back a step.

Authors Note:

Thank you so much for reading! I'm so excited about this new story and I can't wait for you all to read more!

I'll be posting a new chapter every Monday. I'd love to hear your thoughts on this first chapter!



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