Chpater 19: Wedding Bells

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Me and Cecilia walk back to our friends and I smile wide.

“What are you guys waiting for? Let’s get out there!” Cecilia cheers happily.

We all rush out the doors and see everyone celebrating. Zelda and Link run up to all of us smiling.

“It’s over. It’s really over!” Zelda yells happily.

Link looks at all of us.

“Thank you. We can’t thank you enough for helping us.” He smiles.

I look at all my friends and smile.

“You helped too! We all played a part in this.” I exclaim.

I look past Link and Zelda and can see all of the sisters looking at us and smiling a little, even Annette. Riju, Sidon, Yunobo and Teba all come over to us.

“You did it! We won!” Yunobo cheers, clapping.

“We can all rest easy now knowing Ganon’s darkness will no longer be a threat to us.” Riju says, sighing happily.

Sidon puts an arm around Link and Zelda and they both laugh happily.

“If it weren’t for you girls, I don’t think we would have won.” Teba says to us.

Eilidh blushes.

“That’s so sweet! You could have easily done this without us.” Eilidh disagrees.

Sidon smiles.

“No. You girls made all the difference."

I smile at them all and everyone starts to talk to each other as happy as can be. I walk away from them all and go over to the sisters. Nadia spots me and waves at me. I look at them and Crystal smirks a little.

“I’ll admit. I thought we weren't gonna win.” She says.

I smile.

“Heroes always win in the end. It might as well be law.” I smirk.

Annette laughs.

“Yeah right! When we’re on the opposite side. You’ll never know what hit you.”

Diana smiles as she looks around.

“Although it is nice to see everyone like this, especially knowing you had a role in it.” Diana says thoughtfully.

I smile.

“I guess that means your leaving? since everything here is all wrapped up.” I ask, knowing the answer already.

Crystal nods her head and puts a hand on Nadia’s shoulder.

“Yeah. I think I’ve had enough for now.”

Annette looks me in the eyes.

“Just because we helped you this time, doesn’t mean we’ll go easy next time. In fact; we might even make things a little harder on you.” She says grinning.

I laugh.

“I wouldn’t expect anything less of you. Just don’t cause too much trouble.” I reply.

Diana rolls her eyes but smiles at me.

“Thank you. Really. If it weren’t for you, I don’t want to even think about what might have happened.” Diana thanks.

I nod my head at her. Naida looks at her sisters for a moment before pulling me into a hug.

“Thank you’ve given me a lot to think about.” She whispers into my ear.

Guardians Of The UltraVerse: Lost In The Wild (Book 2)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon