Chapter 10: Flying Off the Handle

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Third Person

All of the sisters regroup and explain to each other what happened on their end. Annette smirks and laughs.

“I can’t believe that actually worked! With this stuff we’ll be able to control anyone!” Annette says gleefully.

Diana rolls her eyes.

“Yeah. On the Divine beasts. Once we have them under control they can give their power to Ganon.” Diana reminds Annette.

Annette sighs.

“Why you gotta be a buzz kill?” Annette asks.

“Wait, are we really going to give all four of the divine beasts powers to Ganon? Seems like a lot.” Nadia says, nervously.

Diana smirks.

“You really think I’m that stupid? Of course not! I already took half of Naboris’s power so trust me. He’s not gonna get too much.”

Diana says tapping her finger on her head.

Nadia breathes a sigh of relief.

“Thank god for that!” She exclaims.

Crystal smiles warmly at Nadia. Diana looks at Crystal and just as everyone starts walking, Diana grabs Crystal’s shoulder and stops her.

“I need to talk to you.” Diana says to Crystal.

Crystal cocks an eyebrow up.

“About what?” Crystal asks skeptically.

Diana gives Crystal a knowing look.

“You know what.”

Diana gestures over to Nadia and Crystal sighs.

“I’m caring about my sister. What’s the problem there?” Crystal asks annoyed.

Diana pulls Crystal out of ear shot of Nadia and Annette.

“What happened in Gerudo town? You look like a mess!” Diana exclaims.

She's right. Crystal's hair is all over the place and her eyes are kind of red. Crystal tries to answer without sounding annoyed.

“Nothing. I tried to take out those girls and that was it.” Crystal says brushing Diana off.

Diana shakes her head.

“Yeah right! You look like you just had a mental down!” Diana yells frustrated.

Crystal sighs and looks Diana in the eyes.

“You want to know what happened? Fine! I lost it alright!” Crystal growls.

Diana sighs, annoyed.

“You can’t keep flying off the handle every time someone beraids you about Nadia! You're gonna get hurt Crystal!” Diana shouts.

“I didn’t say it was about Nadia.” Crystal says defensively.

“You're my sister Crystal. I know you.” Diana deadpans.

Crystal looks Diana in the eyes and then throws her hands up into the air.

“So what if I did! It’s not like it matters! We got Naboris and Urbosa under our control.” Crystal defends.

Diana shakes her head.

“That’s not the point. If you keep on being overprotective about Nadia-”

Crystal cuts Diana off, swing her hand near Diana's face.

“Overprotective!?! I’m letting her come with us aren’t I? I let her use her powers don’t I!” Crystal yells, extremely offended.

Guardians Of The UltraVerse: Lost In The Wild (Book 2)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat