Chpater 6: Locked up With Enemies

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Me, Nadia and Mary look around at Kakariko village and can feel my heartbeat fast. We all go around and help as many people as we can. Some people have been killed while others have been injured. It’s a heartbreaking sight. Paya comes up to us as we are helping some people out of the rubble that was their house. Tears stream down her face.

“How did they find us? We’ve been careful for so many years!” She says in anguish.

I pull her close and she cries into my shoulder.

“I’m so sorry....I can’t even imagine how hard this must be for you.” I say to her.

Mary looks at Paya with sympathy and Nadia wipes her eyes.

“This is awful! And the worst part is that I couldn’t do anything! All I could do was watch as my village was destroyed!” Paya cries.

We all look at each other as Paya cries. Nadia shakes her head and takes Paya’s hand and looks her in the eyes.

“Paya...I know this is hard, but you have to be strong for your village and for Impa. You need to be strong for the children and everyone else who has lost someone dear to them. This is what the Yiga clan want. They want to see you upset. They want to see you give up. You can’t let them win.” Nadia tells her.

We all nod our heads.

“Naida’s right. We can’t let them destroy us.” I say.

Paya looks at us and wipes her eyes and smiles just a little.

“Your right...I know that this isn’t just about me. I need to help everyone in any way I can.” Paya says.

We all cheer for her.

“I know you all can’t stay for long considering your friends are in trouble...but if there’s anything we can do for you. Kakariko village is always open to you.” Paya says to us.

She hugs us all and walks off. We all exchange a glance at each other.

“Speaking of our friends and sisters...what the hell are we gonna do about that?” Mary asks us.

I sigh.

“I’m not sure. All we know is that their base is somewhere in the Gerudo desert.” I say.

Nadia rubs her head.

“I can’t believe I let this happen to my sisters.” She says annoyed.

I look at her.

“What happened with you guys exactly?” I ask Nadia.

She sighs and looks away.

“We were on our way to this village, as you both know and then out of nowhere the Yiga clan attacked us. We tried to fight them off but there were way too many for us to handle. Crystal told me to go to Kakariko village and I took off running...they must have followed me here. I didn’t even consider they would come after me too. You guys were already here by the time I came. I feel like such an idiot leading them here.” Nadia explains.

She looks at the ground annoyed.

“We can’t dwell on our mistakes. Right now. We better try and help as many people as we can here. Then we worry about our friends and family” I say.

Mary sighs.

“Here’s hoping they're not torturing everyone…” Mary mutters.

Third Person

“Let us out of here you scum!” Annette yells.

The sisters, Celeste, Bryony, Eilidh and Cecilia are all locked in a cell together at the Yiga clan base. The guard laughs at them.

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