lv. the end of always and forever

Start from the beginning

"Inadu." Freya calls, sneaking up behind the child. The older witch slams a handful of powderer onto the ground, the remaints floating into the air. Before Hope can hit the ground Cullen runs forward, scooping her daughter up.

"How long do we have?" Cullen questions as she lays her onto the closest couch.

Freya shakes her head. "She's not going to be happy when she breaks through that sleep spell. Which means we need to work fast."

Quickly the two of them speed downstairs, working to prepare a spell. "You think this'll work?" Cullen questions, her body filled with nerves.

"The pendant was built to hold a person of Mikaelson blood. So it will hold Hope. I did my best to repair it." Freya explains.

As Cullen's handing Freya the pendant to suddenly shatters. "Valiant effort... but Hope belongs to me." The Hollow, in her original form, speaks up. Raising her hand the Hollow slams Freya into the nearest wall, knocking her out.

"Over my dead body." Cullen states, speeding towards the witch only to go straight through her.

"Soon." The Hollow nods, throwing Cullen across the room.

"Hope with fight you." Cullen exclaims, jumping up from the ground.

"I can feel her love for you. It's a shame it's not enough." The Hollow raises her hand, sending a broken piece of wood flying towards Cullen. Just in time Cullen raises her hand, sending the weapon back towards the witch, but just like she had it goes through the Hollow's body.

"Inadu." A familiar voice calls, turning the women's attention to the courtyard. "Show yourself. What's the matter... The big, bad Hollow too scared to face me?"

"I hide from no one." Inadu leaves Cullen to speak with Marcel. "Especially not some would-be king of New Orleans." She raises her hand, snapping Marcel's neck. Using this as a distraction Cullen speeds into the courtyard as well, watching as Vincent places a barrier spell around Inadu.

"That is vicious. Even for you. He must have struck a nerve. I'm sure he had a hell of a lot more to say, but it doesn't even matter, because he kept you occupied long enough for me to trap you." Vincent speaks up.

"You really think you can defeat me? You're welcome to try. But once Hope Mikaelson gives in... I will be more powerful than you can even imagine." Inadu grits out.

"That's not gonna happen. See, I've been communing with the Ancestors." Vincent glances towards a book in his hands. "Your mama among 'em. She gave me the spell she used to kill you, and now I'm gonna put you in your cage. Forever. Arrêter majik sa à. Arrêter majik sa à. Arrêter majik sa à. Arrêter majik sa à."

"No!" Inadu screams as the spell takes hold.

"That anger that you're feeling right now, that's called losing." Vincent raises his voice over her screams. "Because after this you're never ever gonna be able to touch Hope Mikaelson. And once I put you inside of this book, you're never gonna be able to get out again, so Arrêter majik sa à. Arrêter majik sa à!"

"You think you've beaten me?" Inadu yells, raising her hand. Cullen's eyes widen as the barrier around her is broken and Vincent is sent flying back, along with his book.

"No." Cullen screams, speeding forward only for Inadu to become dust. "Hope! Hope!" Running upstairs, Cullen spins around the study, searching for her daughter.

"Now I have Hope." A child-like voice exclaims causing Cullen to turn around to face her daughter. "Soon I'll have you." And before Cullen can do anything the world around her becomes black.


Waking with a gasp Cullen jumps up from the ground quickly. "Where is she?" Cullen yells, running downstairs. "Where is Hope?"

"I couldn't save her. Hope's gone." Vincent announces.

"We have to find her. Vincent, surely you can pull the Hollow out of-" Elijah begins.

"Elijah, if it were easy enough for me to just pull her out, then I would not be standing here talking to you right now." Vincent snaps. "I don't have a place to put her. Cullen is the only thing that's powerful enough to house her eternal spirit."

"Well, there must be some other way." Rebekah declares.

Vincent is quiet for a moment, but it's obvious he has an idea. "Vincent?" Freya steps forward.

"A thousand years ago, we three made an eternal vow. To protect each other, always and forever. Freya, that vow now includes you. As it includes my daughter. She is my heart and soul. Right now she's out there, alone in the darkness, fighting. We can't give up. So I'm begging you... All of you... If there's any chance..." Klaus speaks up, glancing between everyone.

"I think I know a way to save her." Vincent speaks up.

"Anything." Cullen states, grabbing onto Klaus hand.

Vincent shakes his head, knowing they wouldn't like his plan. "If we go this route, this is gonna be the end of your family. This is gonna be the end of always and forever."

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