Chapter 16: Rambo Food

Start from the beginning

"Do I really have to?" he said. "Why can't Piper or Jason do it?"

Piper shook her head. "Nope."

Jason shrugged. "I'm good."

Leo rolled his eyes. "Fine, fine. It all started a couple hours ago.....


A few hours ago..........

"How are we all going to fit in one car?" Leo said. 

Festus was a big car, yes, but it wouldn't fit all seven of them! Nico had opted out, saying that musicals weren't really his thing. 

Annabeth flipped her braid-ponytail thingy over her light blue blazer. "Simple. We'll split into two cars."

Leo shrugged, trying to ignore the scratchy wool of his vest-suit thingy. "Okay. Who's with me?"

Annabeth looked around. "Um.... Piper and Jason."

Piper came out of the bathroom, shutting the grey door. "Piper what?"

Piper wore a ruffle covered shirt, blue jeans, and her hair was pulled into an elaborate flower crown bun thingy. 

Ha! He'd said thingy so many times today!

"We're splitting into two groups and you're with Leo and Jason," Annabeth said.

Piper blinked. "Okay."

"Are we sure we shouldn't wear any wigs?" Hazel said, tying her curly hair back into a bun. She wore a yellow dress. 

Annabeth nodded. "Yes, I'm sure we'll be fine. We all have our weapons right?"

Everyone nodded. Leo didn't have a gun or a knife, but he had a flamethrower for emergencies. He tried not to use it much(as his mother had died in a fire), but just in case, he kept it in his tool belt. 

Jason and Percy burst into the room, followed by Frank. 

"Which car am I in?" Jason said, running his hands through his blond hair. 

Annabeth sighed, but explained the car assignments again. 

"Ready?" Leo said. 

Jason and Piper nervously got into Festus, but they got in never the less. 

For the first hour, they were silent. Piper and Jason both looked out the window, while Leo just kept his eyes on the road. 

But by the end of the hour, Leo was lost. "Um, so, where are we?"

Jason checked his phone. "Hmm, we must be somewhere far away if my wifi is this bad."

"What about your hotspot?" Piper said. 

Jason shook his head. "Not working either."

Leo continued driving over the rickety bridge, unsure where they were. "Um... okay." He looked back at them. "Do you think we should pull over-"

"Leo, look out!" 

Crash!  Leo had turned too late, because now, Festus's front was buried in trees and the trunk was hurtling towards the river. 

Leo twisted the wheel best as he could and shouted, "Get out, right now!" 

Piper and Jason both jumped out, rolling the the ground with an "oof."

Leo was almost to the river! He tried to put in some extra strength, but he had no extra strength. Curse those scrawny arms! 

Finally, he was able to stop the car, just a few feet away from the river. Leo jumped out, crashing to the ground and rolling several yards away in the rain soaked grass. 

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