Youth: Lost (Cast and Credits)

Start from the beginning

"I've learned to drown in trying to make myself transparent. But turns out, that just added another layer to my mask. What if I don't recognize myself past all this?"

His steps invoke emotion in all who watch him. In his dance, he brings people to experience all the intensities and the littles spikes of feeling. But who knew that in his transparency, there was still something so unreachable. A hidden part to the twenty-two year old dancer.

The countless choreographies he made have not revealed the whole of him and that scares him deeply. It scares him because he swears that he tried to make himself reachable. But who knew that there was still this coldness people felt from him.

As he discovers the things he kept under wraps even to himself, he is forced to replay what-ifs. Although he will be reminded that he does not need to watch alone in dark lights. He has his friends that would watch even the scariest stories he needs to tell.


"I don't place weight on other people because I will be the reason they stumble

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"I don't place weight on other people because I will be the reason they stumble."

For the last twenty-one years, he bore the load fine. The soreness on his shoulder didn't let him falter. But maybe carrying it for the past years and the increase to the weight made it be seen.

With all the world's concerns being studied and action was taken in his course, the young man starts to bear a bigger burden. Yet he never complains. Having to take modeling for the sake of satisfying his family. Then he even offers to help younger people in high school as he tutors them. All his computations though might just not apply when reality gets in the way.

What he doesn't want them to see and what he hid is forcefully presented. The mask so accustomed to might be taken away from him. Yet he had nothing to worry about. The people who see behind it would never take it against him. They would be the ones to show him, that they are willing to carry some of his weight as he carries theirs.



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