I hear the sound of the door opening and I come back from my thoughts wishing it wasn't her that is entering the room. I don't bother looking at her but stare at the white wall to my right hoping she'll get the message to leave me alone. "I just wanted to check up on you today." she says, her voice so deceiving as she pretends to be an innocent caring doctor that hasn't done anything wrong.

"Oh, how nice of you." I reply sarcastically.

"So how are you today?" she asks and I'm trying so hard not to call her every curse name I know.

I stay quiet as I curse her in my head. Does she get off on mocking me? Or can she not see how evil a person she is?

"I take it you're not wanting to talk today?" she says breaking the silence.

"Why would I?" I mumble as I give into having a conversation that is going to go no where.

"Aiden, I'm not a bad person like you think I am." she replies and I find it hard not to laugh.

"Yeah right. Then why won't you let me go? I get it you're interested and curious to know how I got pregnant and had two babies but come on? Is it worth keeping me here against my will? I'm not an animal you can chain up and leave. And even if I was it's wrong." I retort.

"I never said you were an animal. I've told you many times before I can't let you just walk out of here with your two babies. All of this can't simply go away because you ask for it to. Besides I can't even if I wanted to now." the same answer she always gives.

"Yes, you can. I can tell you everything you need and want to know about this. I'll tell you how it was possible and then you can explain it to everyone else. Let them know and after I can go home and live my life." I plead feeling so pathetic and weak.

"That sounds like a good idea Aiden but that's not all I had in mind. I have plans for you which involves you staying and-" she says before I cut her off.

"That's not happening! No matter what you say I'm not going to. I'm going to get out of here someday."

Aiden that's never going to happen. You don't have a choice when I have total control over you. I'm allowed to do whatever I want o you when so many people are curious to know all about this. It isn't every day I come across a male that can become pregnant and I know it won't be the last. See we have plans for people like you and if you agree to do as I say then I'll be willingly to be a bit nice." she says.

"Nice? And what's nice to you?" I reply finding it hard to believe she knows what the word means.

"Letting you see your daughter and son." she answers.

"You're lying!" I yell.

"Do you know that for sure? Are you willing to give up the chance to finally meet them?" her expression not changing to reveal if what she's saying is the truth or another lie.

"What do you want me to do?" I ask.

"I knew you would agree." a smile across her face.

"I'm not agreeing. I only want to know what you want out of me." I state.

"To see how it's possible which will mean we will have to start from the beginning. You've had time to recover so it's time to try our first attempt. To see how it all works during the course of a full pregnancy from beginning to end. I'm curious how it is you got pregnant and I plan on learning everything I can during the next years. See this is my research and I don't plan on stopping until I discover everything. If you agree to this it will make all of this easier. I'll let you see them in due time or else I'll send them away and you'll never get to meet them." she explains and I'm tempted to say yes at the chance to see them.

"Where are they right now?" I question.

"Somewhere safe at the moment. You're daughter isn't of use to me so I sent her away to a married couple a few hours away. Your son on the other hand is still here a feet away from you staying in one of the rooms in this hospital." she replies.

"So you want me to get pregnant and have a baby? Then what? What are you going to do to the baby?"

"Let you all go like I already said. I only want to see how it's possible. I'll finish my work and let everyone go if you're willing to do as I ask of you. You, your daughter, son, parents and everyone else. All I want is one person I can use." she says.

"And you promise you'll let us go?"

"I promise. I will even let you see your son today." she says and just then the door opens with a woman walking in with him and stands near the door.

"I thought you were going to let me see him." I ask wondering why she is just standing there.

"I am. I never promised I would let you hold him today and spend time together. That'll be for another day." what she says making me question if this is worth it but as I look at him I know it is. This is my only option.

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