"Honey, what are you saying?" Mom asked.

"It was... F-Flynn..." I was crying like crazy, "He grabbed me and hit me and..." I tried to say, but everything hurt. A scream came out of me and I started crying.

"Honey, rest a little." Dad suggested.

"I'm going to call the officers," Mom said.

"Mom, no! Don't leave me, please--" I blurted out and tears came to my eyes. Zach was still on his knees as he gently held my hand.

"We won't let you ..." Zach muttered. "And I won't, not this time."

The doctors arrived, who when seeing me awake and in my five senses were amazed. They told them that they did some tests and that by tomorrow I could go home, only that I needed to be in bed for another day. Then I would start walking normally with some crutches.

"How many days have I been here?" I asked.

"Two," my mother replied.

"We need to bring the police with you, Vanessa," one of the doctors addressed me, "Can you remember something of what happened to you?"

I was shaking and my voice wouldn't come out. No matter how many times I tried to say yes, I couldn't. I remembered the whole moment like it was a movie. My tears kept coming and with all my fear contained, I nodded. A great gulp of air I grabbed and tried to breathe, but couldn't either. My lungs weren't helping. My body was not helping at all.

"I-I can't..." I brought my hand to my chest, which burned like hell. "I can't breathe--"

"Okay, Vanessa. I need you to listen to me, okay?" The doctor approached, "I need you to inhale with me. Inhale--" 

I inhaled. 

"And exhale. Inhale..."

"What's wrong?" my mother asked as soon as she saw the nurse arrive with a syringe.

"This will help you calm down, ma'am," the girl said as she injected the content into me. "She will be fine. This will help her calm down, although it will put her to sleep."

"Oh my baby..." was the last thing I heard until I fell asleep again.


[Olivia Baker's POV]

"Can I have a moment with you?" the specialist asked us, "I did not want to tell you this while your daughter was conscious, because this would upset her more."

"Tell us, sir. Will she be okay?" Andy asked, "We just want to know what we're up against."

"Vanessa presents a picture of post-traumatic stress, Mr. Baker" he answered, "And I think the reason is more obvious if she remembers it."

"She said it, I saw her ..." I tried to say, but couldn't. I couldn't handle this.

"We know that, Mrs. Baker." When we did the physical exams, we noticed it, so I wanted to bring the officers with me but this happened. They will need her conscious and calm for this whole process, because it will be long."

"Thanks..." Andy answered and the doctor went to see other patients.

"I'm so sorry ..." Zach whispered and kissed my daughter's forehead.

"You must go to school, we'll take care of it," I said with a sly smile.

"I don't think I have the strength to leave you again, Mrs. Baker--" he looked at me painfully, "I think I'll go home, anything like that, the boys know he's here. Clay will be here any minute with Alex. Can you tell me if you wake up?"

"Of course, you're her boyfriend." I said, "See you later, Zach. Rest well."

He looked at Nessa once more and left. She was so lucky to have someone as protective as Zach. Someone who loved her as much as before.

"He's a good boy although he dated Hannah and now Vanessa," Andy shrugged.

"Oh, my God, Andrew," I rolled my eyes. "Don't you care about our daughter's happiness?"

"I do, but not with him. I don't see any good in that boy with her."

"What's wrong with you?" I grunted.


"Get out, or I'll call security" I grunted and he looked at me strangely. 

He just left and I looked at my baby girl again. I needed to take her home and take care of her as I should've always done.


well... here it is lol

in my defense, i didn't know how to imply what i imagined of this.

but anyways... new chapter!

i hope you enjoy it :)

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