47. For the Realm - Ethelston

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"And they are hard to speak, " Jarendrud responded, his head still lowered. "There is also not irrefutable proof that my words speak true; however, it is a possibility I feel we must not ignore."

Ethelston sighed once more, thinking back to his mercenary days, his only concerns were how to get paid, and how to survive another day. Now his thoughts were plagued with wars, conspiracies and the protection of thousands of people under his charge. At this very moment, he longed for a simpler life. "We will not ignore it; however, I must make sure that Ravenscourt survives the winter. We will remain vigilant. Do what you must to maintain eyes on my uncle. For now, I must keep my end of the bargain."

Walking up the stairs of the tower had never been so difficult. With every step closer to his uncle, his muscles seemed to burn incessantly more.

The sound of metal clanging on metal echoed down the tower as the two guards saluted their liege. As Ethelston nodded in response, the creaking door was pushed open revealing the dishevelled uncle of the Duke of Ravenscourt.

Ethelston grunted in dissatisfaction as he examined the man whose beard and hair had become wild and unwieldy. As he sat in his chair facing towards the window, his long nails seemed to claw into the wood like eagle talons, and even the sound of the echoing door seemed to not break his trance from staring through the window.

As the door closed behind Ethelston and Jarendrud, frustration flushed through Ethelston like a wave. His uncle may have been imprisoned, but it was the most liveable prison in all the castle. Instructions had been given to his staff to treat the former Duke with the utmost respect; therefore, his appearance was nothing more than an act of defiance that only served to make him appear pathetic to garner sympathy.

"Nephew, it has been some time. I had thought you'd forgotten me." Millendahl commented with a hint of sarcasm.

"Nothing would please me more than to do so," Ethelston replied, refusing to give in to his uncle's mind games.

"So how has commanding a city faired for you?" Millendahl asked while staring out of the window, "I noticed a lot of fires and shouting a few moons ago, I don't suppose you are struggling in the art of ruling. Perhaps I could give you a few pointers."

Ethelston knew that his uncle was trying to goad him into saying or doing something rash, but he was not about to rise to the bait. "It fairs well, Uncle, your Black Knife Syndicate has been subdued and I have total control of the city."

"Not what I heard. Rumour has it that Lionmane has sent an army to bring you back to the fold. Or more accurately, bring Ravenscourt back, execute you and place me, once again, as Duke of Ravenscourt." Millendahl smiled.

Ethelston glanced towards Jarendrud. Word had somehow managed to reach his uncle, which either meant some soldiers had loose tongues or their loyalty was still in question.

"Don't worry, " Millendahl continued, "I will make sure it's a quick execution, you were not as much a coward as my brother, I think you deserve a little mercy."

The smug look on his face started to grind Ethelston down. Every ounce of his being made him want to punch him repeatedly, yet it would serve no purpose other than to make Ethelston look like he was not in control of his actions.

"What was the point of your father?" Millendahl continued, "He wasn't strong enough to lead, and wasn't strong enough to save your mother."

"Yet he was strong enough to save the daughter of the Emperor Fenrirr," Ethelston interjected.

For the first time in the conversation, Millendahl gave eye contact while confusion ruled his face.

Ethelston walked up to his uncle, smiling with such enthusiasm that Millendahl seemed taken aback by the sudden switch in demeanour. "My father, your brother, was not weak; instead, he sacrificed everything so that the rightful heir of the Isovine Empire could be placed back on the throne. Lionmane is worried, the usurper is sending his forces now because they know that Loldirr Aex-Igh will take her rightful place. So what will that mean for people like you, uncle? People who chose the wrong side?"

"Wha... Who..." Millendahl stuttered.

"Your narcissistic tendencies have driven this city to its knees, yet now that your tyranny has ended I am making the city rise once again. As I place Loldirr on the throne, Ravenscourt will be stronger than it has ever been before."

"You lie!" Millendahl responded, spit flying from his mouth in anger.

"This is no lie; we're entering a new era, which unfortunately you will not get to see," Ethelston replied, the tone of his voice saddened by the choices he had to make.

Millendahl laughed, "Hah! Are you telling me that you've found the balls to execute me?"

Ethelston sighed before looking out of the same window that Millendahl had been fixated on. "As you are my blood, I thought I would be showing you mercy by leaving you here, but it seems that execution may have been kinder. I'm handing you to Knight Inquisitor Ithelred, in which your fate will be in his hands."

The fear that gripped Millendahl's eyes was evident as the thoughts of captivity with the infamous Knight Inquisitor plagued his mind. "You can't hand me to him; his methods are barbaric."

"And yet his value to me is far greater than yours, " Ethelston replied with a callousness that felt alien to him. "Father taught me that all that matters is the realm. It was a code that he lived and died by, even to the expense of his own family. It was a lesson I had never understood until I met Loldirr Aex-Igh and became the Duke of Ravenscourt."

Turning towards Millendahl, Ethelston felt regret as he examined the fear and anxiety that plagued his uncle's face. Yet, despite every thought of morality bombarding his mind, he knew he had to remain steadfast in his decision. "I take no pleasure in handing you over to him, and I hope and pray that he gives you the same courtesy that I have offered."

Millendahl spat at Ethelston, his face scrunched in anger, "To hell with your courtesy. If I regain my freedom, I promise you I will retake what is rightfully mine. The seat of the raven belongs to me. It is my dukedom that you have stolen." he scoffed, thumping his chest vigorously.

Ethelston took a deep breath before wiping away the phlegm rolling down his cheek. Leaning forward, he positioned the chair that Millendahl sat on to ensure that they were eye to eye. "Do not consider me weak or a fool. The next time I see you set foot in Ravenscourt, I will kill you myself."

Standing straight, Ethelston headed directly for the doorway with Jarendrud in close tow behind him. The door quickly swung open before being slammed shut. With Ethelston thumping his way down the tower, Jarendrud struggled to keep up without the risk of falling. "My Lord?" Jarendrud tried to gain Ethelston's attention.

Without so much as a look at him, Ethelston's voice boomed assertively throughout the tower. "Gather the townsfolk and find all that are willing to fight and defend the city. Start repairs on the walls and city catapults and ensure that training regimes are doubled. If Lionmane wants a war, then by the gods I will give them one they will not forget!"

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