39. The Triwizard Tournament

Start from the beginning

The hat finished singing the song and the Great Hall filled with applause. Professor McGonagall was no unrolling a large scroll of parchment.

"When I call out your name, you will put on the hat and sit on the stool." She said to the first years. "When the hat announces your house, you will sit at the appropriate table."

"So not one of us got the letter about quidditch captain?" I say to my friend group.

"Nope." Angelina says.

"It's got to be to do with something that's meant to happen this year." I whisper as the sorting ceremony continues.

"Probably," Alicia says.

"Surely we all can't be aloud to sit in here dripping wet like this." Melody complains, as most people in the hall are shivering.

"Yeah, I just want to eat and have a nice hot shower." I say as I rest my head into my hands.

"You know, maybe I can join you." Fred whispers into my ear, I can feel my cheeks start to burn bright red.

"Seriously?" I say shaking his head off of my shoulders turning around to face him.

"I know you would love to." He says giving me a wink. Even though he has grown his hair out, he still looks very handsome.

"I swear to Godric if I have to put up with your flirting for one more minute, I will throw myself off of the Astronomy tower." George says with disgust on his face.

"It is kind of disgusting to watch." Lee says agreeing with him.

"You didn't need to spend all summer with the pair of them constantly flirting, it was dreadful." George says and I roll my eyes at him.

"Jealous much, maybe you should tell-" I start saying before George cuts me off.

"I'm not jealous and I'm not going to tell her, how many times do I have tot tell you this?" He asks me raising his voice slightly catching the attention of other students

"Till you can convince us." Fred says joining me into getting George to confess his feelings to Angelina.

"Well consider yourself a convinced." George says.

"What are you four jabbering on about now?" Angelina asks.

"Well I was telling George that he should-" I start saying with a massive smile on my face.

"Read more" he cuts me off, which was a nice save.

"Yeah, you should." Angelina says going back to her conversation with Alicia.

"Nice save." I say with a smirk on my face.

"I know." George says.

The sorting ceremony had now finished and Dumbledore came to the front of the hall and told us all to "tuck in."

The once empty dishes were now piled high with food and we all helped our self's to massive portions and piled our own plates with all the different foods we were all eating when. Clang. I look down the table and Hermione had knocked over a goblet.

Before I Go - Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now