Waking up II

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Unconscience Flashback

Location: Ripper's Cell/Cage
Timeframe: Three and a half years before the events of Fallen Kingdom


I was bored, pacing back and forth in my cage trying to focus my attention on something else other then the hunger burning in my stomach.

In the past I have had to complete tests such as fighting wild animals or running for long periods of time, but recently they had began doing a form of endurance testing on me. It might seem strange that they would spend all this money making me,just to not feed me. However from what I could piece together is that they were trying to see how well their "prototype" operates with reduced food intake.

I started gnawing on a rib from my last prey. It felt like it's been forever since the last time they fed me. The pain in my head and stomach agreed with that estimation of time.

Suddenly, a goat was pushed into the cage with me. My eyes focused onto the goat, as I waited for the laser to appear.

Which was a routine they had recently started. With small rewards being given in the form of extra portions of food to incentivize me to play along and sharp electric shocks for disobeying. I waited patiently, holding back on attacking until I was given the signal...

However, this time the laser never came.

[I guess they finally gave up with their stupid laser training] I thought to myself

As I was preparing to pounce onto my next meal, I suddenly felt a sharp stabbing pain in my neck! As mutiple hands grabbed me and held me down.

I struggled against their grip, but I was only able to squirm around for a couple seconds before the hands held me down again. This time with more force. Unfortunately, I was not big enough yet to just simply shrug them off.

Being helpless to defend myself, I decided to pass the time by watching the goat, which was standing six feet away and was completely oblivious to me and my struggles.

I looked at it and saw it's almost blank expression, along with the carefree look in it's eyes. I started feeling a strong hatred towards the goat. The goat was not called a monster or forced to go through horrible experiments.

As I was brooding about how unjust this situtation was, the hands finally let go of me. I quickly turned around to look at those who keep me imprisoned.

Two Ingen guards were walking away from my cage. While nearby a man in a white coat was holding a newly filled syringe with my blood inside it.

I looked at the scientist's name tag, "Dr. Wu" it read. The quills rattled warningly on my back as I stared at the man who I deemed responsible for all of this.

I rammed myself against the sturdy bars of the cell, wishing that this time they would break loose. Which caused the humans to look in my direction with slight fears of me escaping. Before they turned around again, filled with renewed confidence in the structural support of the cage.

I finally stopped and paced around the cell looking for weak points before giving up and resigning to laying down and debating my situation in my mind.

"Bahh" The goat interrupted my thoughts

I turned around, filled with anger and unable to reach any of the humans, I focused my rage onto the goat. I began to carve it up slowly, while making sure to keep it alive.

"You don't get starved" I roared as I cut off it's ears.

"Bahhhhh" it whined

"Shut up!" I removed it's tongue

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