Old Enemies and New Allies

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Dr. Wu's pov

I still have trackers implanted in each of my creations.

While Blue's tracker has been damaged and inactive ever since the incident at Lockwood Mansion. I had a feeling that the Indoraptor's tracker might still be active.

[Hopefully, he did not do an Indominus Rex with the tracker] I shuddered to myself remembering the events of what had transpired at Jurassic World

I searched through some old Ingen location databases that survived the explosion, which all seemed to indicate that subject i.raptor was currently in the middle of some random forest in California.

It was at this moment that my phone decided to ring. So I checked the contact that was listed. It was the Russian man from the auction. I quickly pressed the accept button with a tap from my finger.

"Hello, Mr. Sergei, I assure you tha..." I began to talk, only to be interrupted by the former auctioneer

"I do not pay you to recreate Chernobyl mutants, I pay you to make me a so called "Indoraptor". While I have generously chosen not to hold you accountable for death of the first, I am not so generous as Mr. Mills with the funding. I want immediate proof of the progress or I will cease all of my funding to Ingen, as well as give an anoyminous tip to the U.S American Government of your location."

I patiently waited as Sergei demanded success

"The first Indoraptor's tracker is still active, Mr. Sergei." I informed him

"HOW IS A ROTTEN CORPSE GOING T-" Sergei's voice practically screamed out of my phone's speakers

"Mr. Sergei, the orginal Indoraptor's implanted tracker reports it as living, along with it's current location as well. I have a full company of Ingen soldiers ready to capture it on my order." I interrupted Sergei

There was silence for a couple of seconds, as I waited for Sergei's response.

"Fine fine, I continue the funding, but if you're lieing to me, I kill you myself."
Sergei ended the phone call with that final grim message

I quickly sent a message to my chief of security informing him to gather all of Alpha company for a mission debriefing.

I mentally made a deadline for the planned attack to be executed around a couple of weeks from now.


(Owen's pov)

I still did not trust Snappy.

I had orginally wanted to stand guard all night outside the basement door, however Dr. Zia kept bothering me about getting some sleep, so I ended up settling for an alarm system instead.

I put a bell on top of the basement door so that way, if Snappy aka the psycho murderer Indominus Rex wannabe tried to open the door to kill everyone, at least we would have an early warning.

I slept lightly throughout the night without being interrupted.

In the morning I was eating breakfast at the dining table with Claire, Dr. Zia, and Maise,
when the basement door opened, along with the ringing of the bell and a deep growling sound...


(Ripper's pov)

I woke up right next to Blue, who was still asleep. While for a second I almost forgot where we were, then I remembered last night's events.

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