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(Ripper's POV)

After waiting for three days for Blue's injury to heal well enough so that she could at least walk safely, we left the mansion and embarked to find Blue's human friends.

Blue has been leading the way, while I have been keeping a lookout for any humans. We have not seen any Ingen mercenaries, but Blue and I did have to scare off a couple of animal control officers.

[Maybe it was not our best idea to steal some food from that one human family and their Barbecue picnic

Blue's leg was still hurt, but at least it was not infected.

Right now, we are currently in the
Forest, and Blue estimated that we are around five miles away from Owen.


(Inside a repurposed Cold War Era Fallout shelter, now an Ingen Research Facility)

Dr. Wu had lost contact with Dino Squad due to temporarly unknown circumstances.
However, after sending out a larger platoon of men, he was able to successfully get their bodies back. Or more importantly to him, their body cameras.

After the footage was done being downloading, he brought it up on the main monitor and then after skipping over the nonimportant parts, he clicked play.

"What the... IT SURVIVED" the speakers played out the fallen Mercenary's last words, right before that particular camera got destroyed by a claw?

Dr. Wu rewinded the footage and paused it.


He recogonized those yellow eyes from anywhere. This could only mean one thing, his creation survived and Wu needed it's DNA. Because Owen's precious blue striped raptor blew up his lab, along with all of the blood and tissue samples as well as a large majority of the digitaly stored dinosuar DNA records.

After contemlating this, Dr. Wu looked over at the current failure of his attempt to recreate the Indoraptor project, which was secured with chains on his autopsy table.

"Grrrahhhhh" the skinless creature screeched outloud as it tried to find a way to close it's jaw without crushing the mutated third eye on the roof of its mouth.

So far he has had one experiment born with bloody stumps for legs and no teeth, another experiment with a second jaw growing out of it's head along with it's three eyes that semed to stare directly into Dr. Wu's soul and the worst failure, Wu did not even want to remember.

Too late, Dr. Wu shuddered as he recalled it's twisted elongated face and dark bloody pits where it's eyes should have been. So far he has made, not five, not ten, but twenty one of these failed experiments.

Dr. Wu was having to rebuild the Indoraptor DNA from scratch and it was not going well. His only hope was to either rediscover enough from the many autopsies of past failed experiments or somehow track down the first Indoraptor. Which could be anywhere in the East Coast by now.

His clients were not going to be happy.

Dr. Wu looked over at i.raptor attempt #21 as the thing had gotten suspiciously quite.


Blood was spilling out of it's mouth as it had accidently bitten off it's own tongue!

Disgusted by what he saw, Wu grabbed his pistol out from his waist holster, turned the safety off, pulled the slide back as he loaded a bullet into the chamber, aimed and squeezed the trigger.

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