Waking up

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I avoided death but at what price?

I slowly forced my eyes to open and for a split second, I saw myself hanging off the horns of the triceratops skeleton as if from an outsider's viewpoint. Then my vision went back to normal along with all the pain that comes with the price of reality.

My head limply hanged down, with blood dripping from the two impalement injuries in my body. As I stared down at my red tinted reflection in the dark crimson puddle beneath me, which was slowly growing across the marble flooring.

[I have never been in this much pain before in my life] I thought to myself, before I weakly lifted my head and looked at the cursed blue striped raptor that had done this to me

I tried to speak..

I tried to say how much I hated her..

I tried to ask why..

I tried all of these things, but all that came out was a faint raspy breathing sound.

"You finally woke up, I was beginning to think you were dead!" Blue chirped cheerfully

I stared at her with pure hatred in my eyes in response to her cheerfulness. While in ignorance of the anger from my glare, Blue began to take a few cautious steps towards me.

I slashed at her with my claws as soon as she stepped within reach, but when my arm moved a bolt of agony shot through me.
Arriving in waves from the two impalement injuries in my torso.

Utilizing my anger and determination as a source of resilency, I forced myself to mentally push through the pain. Only to find that my claws had completely missed her as she easily avoided the attack by jumping back.

"Hey, keep that up and I will leave you here!" Blue hissed as she took a couple steps backwards. Threatening to leave me hanging, figuratively and literally.

I stopped moving, both out of fear of being left to die and to reduce the pain from my injuries. After a couple of seconds, her demeanor changed as she looked at me with a sort of empathy.

"Ok, I am going to try and get you off of these spikes and I am not going to lie, this is going to hurt... I know we may have been enemies before, but I need you to trust me now, when I say that I am trying to help you." Blue spoke softly now with compassion in her voice

[It's a trap, she will attack me as soon as I let my guard down] I thought to myself filled with mistrust

Before Blue could do anything, I gripped the ivory horns which were slick with my blood and prepared to use it to lift myself up and off of the spear like horns.

"Wh.. What are you doing!" Blue screeched as she stared at me with a look of horror

I ignored her and gritted my teeth in determination as I began to pull myself upwards. It felt like someone was individually pulling my rib cage apart, but I went onwards.

I opened my jaw, but no scream came out. While slowly, I painfully pulled my body off of the spike intill I was half way up, when all of a sudden...


My ribs slid back into their normal position. I could breath much easier now with the newfound absence of pressure on my lungs, but the pain was still there.

"Stop, stop you are going to hurt yourself!" Blue yelled frantically, as she rushed closer to me, before halting a meter away, unsure of how to safely stop me.

[Sure, keep pretending like you care] I thought to myself

I gathered what remained of my willpower and prepared to surge by pulling upwards, before yelling out a battle cry.


I then managed to lift myself completely off of the first spike which had prievously been embedded in my chest.

While less than two seconds later I had immediately regretted my decision.

I was falling fast towards the cold marble floor, which was caked with my dried blood and pieces of broken glass. Only to stop right before I landed snout first, by the last spike in my lower torso still holding me up with it's cold ivory grip in my stomach.

The wet sound of ripping flesh echoed throughout the room as the momentum from my fall tore me off the last horn in my abdomine. After a short fall with a very painful impact on the marble flooring, I was lying on the cold hard ground...

It could be that it was just easier to breath now that I am no longer impaled or maybe the last doses of that tranquilizer leaving my body, but it does not matter what was causing this feeling, as it would not change the fact that my eyelids are getting heavier and I was started to have a hard time thinking clearly....

For some strange reason I started to feel calmer as I laid sprawled out on the cold floor. Which was starting to feel less sticky and cold and instead more cozy and warm like.

I noticed a blurry striped raptor figure approaching me. That was the last thing I saw, before the darkness rushed in and my eyelids closed as I went to sleep not by choice, but due to pure tiredness, blood loss and adrenaline crash.


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