The Interlopers

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Blue and I looked around at first searching for the enemy before deciding to hide.

We each hid across from each other, inside one of the exhibits. With the blood soaked triceratops skeleton in-between our seperate hiding spots.

Suddenly, a loud noise came from behind the great door that lead to the hall we were in. It sounded like they were trying to break open the door!



The great door's locks were blasted off by a large man armed with a pump-action shotgun, giving the interlopers free entrance into the main hall!

Twelve Mercenaries wearing kevlar vests and black balaclavas entered the room. While one of them was wearing a red balaclava.

"All right, Dinos One, Two, Three, and Four move forward and create a perimeter at the end of the hall. Nothing gets in or out!" the Captain barked orders out

Four Mercenaries welding semiautomatic AK-47s advanced towards the far end of the hall, where they stopped at the base of the stairs.

The same stairs I chased Masie up only a couple of weeks ago...

However luckily they did not notice Blue or I as they passed right by the separate exhibits we were hiding in.

The Captain soon walked out as well towards the stairs, but stopped at the blood stained triceratops skull.

"Command, this is Dino Actual, we are at location: Lima Mike and the i.raptor corpse is missing. Over." he spoke into his radio

There was a couple seconds of radio chatter as the Captain received some sort of a question.

"Negative, it looks like scavengers got to it, before us. Over." the Captain reported back, while scrapeing some of the dried blood off of the floor with the front end of his boot

[Where did the other mercenaries go?] I asked myself

I looked around silently, like how Blue taught me. However, I could only see nine Mercenaries in my line of sight. The four sent to the stairs were walking back to the Captain, while another four were checking the exhibits across from me.

I took a deep breath in to calm myself, then I looked towards where Blue was hiding.

They were currently one exhibit away from Blue's position!

I was so distracted by my searching that I was oblivious to a nearby guard, until Blue started frantically pointing with her claws to my right.

I looked over to my right.

A large Mercenary with a shotgun was looking right at me. He must have seen me while he was checking the exhibit I was hiding in!

"What the... It SURVIVED!" The Mercenary shouted right, before he aimed his shotgun at me

I lunged forward and skewered him in the chest with my claws. The shotgun flew out of his arms before it fell and hit the floor causing it to fire off a single shell with a very loud


Blue took this as a cue to attack as well. She pounced at the closest mercenary who was unfortunate enough to be the one nearest to her. Blue bit into the man's exposed neck, literally tearing his throat into shreds. Killing him with a deadly efficiency few others had.

While Blue fought, I focused on my side of the battle. I pulled my claws out from the dying shotgun man. Creating a wet suction sound as a vacuum formed in the new hole in his chest.

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