Momonga: Well, it was a good run I guess. We built this wonderful godlike place...maybe a final tour is in order.

The Skeleton stood up, his royal butt separating from his golden chair as he made his way out of the conference room as he began the tour around his home, Ainz Ool Gown, for what he believed to be the last time.

While the guild weapon usually kept in safety in the hands of Omega on the hidden floor, today it was kept in the center of the conference room as to symbolize all of them. All their efforts and the guild itself.

Having the Greek god Herme's caduceus as its motif, the staff was entwined by seven serpents. Each of the squirming serpents' mouths held a jewel of a different colour. Its grip had a transparent quality like crystal, and was emitting a bluish white light.

The staff of supreme quality was a 'guild weapon' that each guild can possess only one of, and it was an item that could be said to be the symbol of Ainz Ooal Gown. Originally, guild masters were supposed to carry it with them, so why was it hanging on the wall in the room as a decoration?

That was because it was an existence that symbolized the guild. The destruction of a guild weapon signified the dissolution of the guild. That was why guild weapons were stored in the most secure location in many cases, with their powerful abilities never seeing the light of day. Even a prominent guild like Ainz Ooal Gown was no exception. For such a reason, the staff was never handed to Momonga despite it being custom-made for him, and instead was adorned on the wall.

Momonga reached out his hand for the staff, but he stopped halfway. At this very moment — even though Yggdrasil's service shutdown was near, he felt hesitation towards the act of debasing the glorious memories that they had made together.

The days they spent together adventuring repeatedly in order to create the guild weapon. Those good old times of dividing up into teams and gathering materials as though it were a contest, arguing over what its appearance should be like, and combining everyone's suggested idea and making it little by seemed like yesterday...until he realized that they actually did something similar yesterday. They've gone for a final farming for some of the rarest materials still hiding out there in the 9 realms.

There was a person who went as far as to strain his overworked body to show up. There was even a person who showed up after having a big fight with his wife due to him neglecting time with his family. There was also a person who laughed saying he took paid leave.

There were times where they spent the whole day chattering, getting worked up over idle stories. There were days where they planned their adventures and swept up the treasures. There were times where they went on raids and captured hostile guilds' castles. There were days when they destroyed every hidden boss monster that they could find. They had found countless undiscovered resources. They had placed various monsters in their base and cleared out invading players. Ainz Ool Gown, or more specifically Nine's Own Goals, had stuck together no matter what for so long...up until the last day of the game.

Momonga opened the console and accessed the official data, where he searched for the guild's ranking. At one point in time, Ainz Ool Gown had reached Rank 9 on their own. Until the guild declined to the 23rd...but that all changed when a specific loli joined the guild and began to cleanse the higher ranker guilds for their World Items. During the final weeks of the game, Society had begun what the remained players of the game called a No Competitors in which they literally eliminated the guilds above them to be ranked first before the gamed ended. As a result of this, the guilds under them were automatically pulled up a rank.

All this time, Momonga had placed importance on majority vote. Although he was in the position of a guild master, what he actually did was miscellaneous work like contacting people. That was why, in this moment with nobody around, the thought of wanting to use his authority as the guild master crossed his mind for the first time.

Momonga: This outfit doesn't have enough swag.

Muttering to himself, Momonga started operating his console to equip his avatar with armaments befitting his position as a prominent guild master.

Armaments in Yggdrasil were classified according to their data size. The greater the data, the higher the grade of the weapon. Starting from the bottom, the classes were: Lesser, Minor, Medium, Major, Greater, Legacy, Relic, and Legendary. But right now, Momonga was armed to the teeth in the highest class of them all— Divine. Well, the two sisters in Society were decked out with items that would make anyone cry...even Momonga...but they didn't count. They were broken characters who stood for the corruption in the world.

On his fleshless fingers were nine rings, each imbued with different powers. Furthermore, his necklace, gauntlet, boots, cloak, and circlet were all Divine class. Just their prices alone, every one of them were masterpieces of tremendous worth.

A brilliant gown hung from the shoulder pieces, and a rippling dark red aura rose from his feet. Although the aura was turbulent and sinister, it was not Momonga's skill. He had simply embedded a 'chaotic aura' effect into the robe since there was some space left over in its visual data capacity. Touching it was perfectly harmless.

Numerous icons popped up in the corner of Momonga's field of vision, indicating that his abilities have increased. Having changed his gear and armed himself from top to toe, Momonga nodded in satisfaction with his current equipment befitting of a guild master. Then he reached out his hand and grabbed the Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown.

The moment he held the staff in his hand, it spewed out a vortex of dark red aura. Sometimes it formed the face of a human in agony and crumbled away. It was so vivid that it felt as though you could hear their voices of pain.

Momonga: ...Sick details.

The supreme staff that he had never held even once after its completion finally fell into the hands of its original owner with the end of Yggdrasil's online service ahead of him.

Momonga: Should we get going, symbol of our guild? No, that's not it — Let us go, symbol of our guild. Let us enjoy our final moments with what my friends left for us.

It seemed stupid, but he wanted to brag to an inanimate object about the deeds of his friends and what they had accomplished over the years.

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