lxxxiv. the blood of sanctum (6.13)

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"No, you're a disease, and this is the cure." The cup is brought down and held in front of Miller's mouth. "Your blood or the blood of Sanctum."

Miller looks over at you and Bellamy, panicked, and knowing that the only way to live is to drink whatever is in the cup, you both nod, telling him to comply. He reluctantly takes a sip from the cup, and as the woman walks back to the next row, she whispers, "Good."

She comes to a stop in front of Octavia, repeating the same process she did with Layla and Miller, but before she can ask her question, the door to the tavern swings open, and the people in the room start to kneel and whisper, "Blessed is Daniel. Blessed is Kaylee."

You turn and watch as Emori and Murphy stride into the room, dressed to the nines, both of them looking incredible. Their hair is done, their make up is too, and they are wearing some of Sanctum's finest clothes. They split apart, Murphy continuing down the natural aisle that the people have created, while Emori walks around the back of the group, towards you and Bellamy. Murphy glances over all of you and asks, "What is the meaning of this?"

The woman in front of Octavia looks up at them with a smile, "Blessed is Daniel. Blessed is Kaylee. Blessed are the Primes."

Your brows pull together in confusion. Primes? You know Josephine bribed Murphy into helping her by offering him and Emori immortality, but you didn't think they'd be wiped and replaced by someone named Daniel or Kaylee. Kaylee looks down at the woman, exuding confidence. "Rise and explain yourself."

She stands and quietly explains, "We are purifying Sanctum, Holiness, as so ordered by Russell Prime, hallowed be his name."

The others in the room repeat, "Hallowed be his name."

But Daniel cuts off their reverence, his voice loud and angry, "Russell is not here!"

Kaylee stops in front of Bellamy, her finger lifting to his chin, and you shift slightly, ready to fight for him if you need to. Daniel continues, "He abandoned you! We did not."

Kaylee tilts Bellamy's head to the side, towards Daniel, and as you follow the movement, your eyes land on him as he winks, letting you know he's on your side. Letting you know they aren't Daniel and Kaylee, they're still Murphy and Emori. Despite your anger at Murphy throughout the chaos of Josephine's rise and fall to power, you're relieved that he's here now, and you're relieved that he's really him.

"Adjustments are for our flock. Why are the Earth people here?" Emori looks at the woman, shaking her head, "You know what? Nevermind. We shall decide what to do with them."

She looks over at Murphy, suggesting, "Let's take them to the palace."

He nods his approval, and she turns to the guards that are lingering nearby, snapping her fingers and motioning to all of you, "Help them to their feet."

The guards descend on all of you, pulling you to your feet, but when they go for Nelson, the woman snaps, "Not him. The Child of Gabriel stays."

You step towards Nelson, having no intentions of leaving him behind, but Bellamy reaches out and grabs your arm, pulling you back. You look at him in shock, trying to silently communicate that you have to save Nelson too, but he just shakes his head, pushing you in front of him until you fall in line with the others. You're following Murphy and Emori out the door when they are suddenly stopped by a man, who pulls Murphy into an embrace, and pulls back just enough to press a passionate kiss to his lips. Murphy stands stiff, leaning away from the kiss, until the man pulls away and looks at him with heartbreak. You can't hear what Murphy says, but he pats the man on the shoulder before heading out the door again.

sub rosa (Bellamy Blake x reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz