chapter five part 2

Start from the beginning

'Fuck off, bosses, not one but two?' I couldn't heard him wrong and I hoped so, one annoying man was enough for this club. "Do I have to go? Why can't one of the girl's from here go?" He laughed at my behaviour, I didn't have any energy tonight and he seemed to notice that. I send him a glare to which he shrugged off, showing he was not bothered by my annoying behaviour, unlike Bella but still looked that shit anyway.

"Sorry doll, bosses order." They could kiss my ass for all I cared, they better be nice enough and not have their eyes roaming over my body or anything, or touch one of the girls in this club and I'll be the first one to pack a punch to their faces. Finger crossed though, that I wouldn't have to see then naked fucking one of the workers from the club, that's disgusting as fuck, that's what happened on the first night when I met that boss of mine.

"How many people are there, or is it just them?" I ran a hand down my face, regretting coming in when I could've taken a day off, it was actually my day off but I decided to come in for some reason. My spirits were on edge and begged me to come down today but now that we were here none of them said anything as they kept looking around, looking for someone?

"Roughly about 10 to 12 people." Fuck my life

"Are the orders placed or?" I didn't want him to say no, I could easily get this over and done with but no, life wasn't that simple as Ben shook his head. Ben had acted like a brother to be over the last couple of years and I couldn't imagine what my life would be like without this asshole. Giving my hand a gentle squeeze he pushed my note thing towards me, telling me off as I was slacking off work but I wasn't! I glared at him, wanting to argue but he shut me up, putting a hand over my face and keeping me quiet

"Link me and I'll be there, get going!" He warned, letting me know that's he'll always be there whenever something bad happened and I nodded, forcing a sarcastic smile on my face I waved by at him and he rolled his eyes

"Yeah, yeah I will" I slowly made my aways towards the Vip lounge, this club had two floors, the main one where everyone was allowed to do whatever they wanted and whenever and the second one was for higher up people. People that were Alphas, betas and grammars and whatever more there is in this world, some were really bad people but they never got in trouble for anything, not unless the owner decided to bug in. This club had some unfair rules but most of them were for our safety as well, I just hope whoever theses Twins are, they better treat everyone fairly

Deciding to take my time with paying them a visit I walked behind the strippers section, Bella my other best friend worked behind here. She got huge tips for dancing and stuff, she was well off but she needed money ti do her college and stuff, if she didn't have college she wouldn't be doing this job and rather be working in a cafe or something. Shes a rouge wolf like me, her wolf smaller compared to Skylar and less powerful but she was good. We meet when I was 16 and she was 15, ever since that we've been two peas in a pot

"Hey girl!" As soon as she saw me she stopped what she was doing, putting her hair up a style that made her face look different? I don't understand anymore

"Hello." I mumbled back tiredly, she laughed as I pulled her into a hug, pulling away from her I dropped myself down in the chair that she was sitting in. She walked away, doing her thing while I started talking. "How've you been?"

"Good, someone had tried to drag me off the stage tonight but I had it under control." I stared at her, shocked. Being a stripper was something that I would never want to do

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