Sniper meets Holy Blade

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"Shoot" A bullet shot from my long sliver rife hitting a creep that was about to pounce on my defenseless brother. The creep fell down and dissolved into nothing, a small pile of gold formed from where the creep fell. I turned on my camouflage as Harley looked around searching for where the sudden help had come from. After failing to locate where the bullet had come from he shrugged and proceeded to pick up the gold.

I sighed and leaned back on the tree lowering my rifle. I yawned and closed my eyes to give them a moment of rest. After a while I opened my eyes, I got off the branch I was sitting on and started to trail after Harley who had now finished collecting the gold and begun to move. A man with brunette hair suddenly came crashing into me. "What in—"

"Shhh don't let them know I'm here" He hissed placing a hand over my mouth.

I fumed with anger. How dare this imbecile tell me what to do! I ripped his hand off my mouth and threw my tactical grenade between us knocking the both of us back. I pointed my rifle at his head as he slowly held up his hands in defeat. "Who are you." I snarled

"Please I need to hide I mean no harm!" The brunette pleaded. He had all sorts of bruises and cuts, he looked like he had been through hell. Before I could question him further a fireball came flying my way. "Watch out!" He dove at me knocking me down.

I stared at the place where I had just been standing a crater as large as a bush was now in its place. His voice pulled me out of my shock "Snap out of it! There'll be more of those!" Right on cue another flaming fireball came hurling toward us. This time I was ready and dodged it. Too bad they had us surrounded, ten mages with dark purple cloaks surrounded us all wearing masks.

"Were they chasing you?" I hissed

He sighed "Damn those elders..." Pulling out his dagger he backed up, we were standing back to back our weapons in hand.

"What's the plan? I'm not good with close range fights." I asked under my breath

"Then on there count of three I create an opening and you get to safe space and shoot them down beautiful lady." He whispered back

"Seriously are you really... Ugh never mind." I huffed as I rolled my eyes



"1! GO!"

He threw his dagger at one of the cloaked mages as I took that opportunity to camouflage and run through the opening he created. I swung myself up on a tree branch as I started firing my Lethal shots taking down two of the remaining mages.

They fired at both of us but I had changed from tree to tree making sure I wouldn't get hit. The brunette had insane speed and had taken down a few more cloaked figures. After a while we had taken them all out. I jumped down from the tree and pointed my rifle at the man not really sure what to do.

"Hey hey I told you I wasn't going to harm you. I mean if I did I would've done it when we first met."

I stayed silent. After a while of our staring contest I relented and lowered my rifle. I turned to leave but he grabbed my wrist making me turn back. "What is it?" I asked clearly annoyed that he was holding me back from checking on Harley.

"Uhhh do you—" He ducked as cards aiming for his head was coming his way  "What in the world!"

Harley stepped out from behind a tree "Don't touch my sister." He said as he glared daggers at the brunette.

"H-Harley?" I gasped in surprise

"Sister..." Harley turned his head toward me "So you've been following me this whole time?"

I hung my head ready for him to shout at me "Y-yes I'm sorry I just wanted to—"

He ran over and hugged me "I missed you big sis!"

I was shocked "You aren't mad?" I mumbled.

He shook his head " No I'm not. In fact I'm happy! You've been protecting me this whole time." He smiled as he let of go me. I chuckled and removed his top hat stroking his golden curls. "Not the hair sis!" He pouted.

"Still a stickler for your hair I see." I giggled as I put his hat back on.

"Anyway sis who's this..." Harley scanned the brunette up and down with a disgusted look "loser?"

"Excuse me?" The brunette protested "Try having mages chase you 24/7 and see how you maintain your appearance!" He scoffed

I rolled my eyes "That would be the last of your concerns. Let's go Harley" I turned to walk away.

"H-Hey wait!" He shouted

I stopped "What is it?"

"Uhh..." He scratched the back of his head looking embarrassed "Do you know where the closet town is? I'm kind of lost."

I turned my head and stared at the idiot "Did this guy seriously just say that?" He chuckled nervously as he averted his gaze away "Did you not bring a map or something?"

"I didn't have any time to prepare." He said quietly and his mood suddenly darkened

I felt pity for the poor man "Alright follow me I'll show you to the next town."

His face lit up "Really?" He grinned "Thank you so much! Miss...?"

"The name's Lesley, Lesley Vance." I replied "Yours?"

"Oh it's Gusion, Gusion Paxley."

A/N: Was gonna expand on this story butttttt felt like it was too generic soI just left it at that 😂

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