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It's hot, and Dream and Drista finally arrive at the village.

They had been travelling through the desert for hours, searching for a place to stay for the night. It was about 3 pm, which is one of the hottest parts of the day.

Drista immediately runs towards the freshwater pond near the village and jumps in. She goes underwater before coming back up and motioning Dream over. "C'mon, it feels really nice!"

Both Drista and Dream forgot to bring plenty of water while they were travelling, so they went a few hours without it. Dream goes up to the pond but doesn't get in, instead he kneels down and splashes his face with it before standing back up. Drista gets out and dries herself before grabbing Dream by the hand and pulling him towards the village market.

Tons of villagers walk around the market. There are multiple market stands, such as a produce stand, a weapon stand, and a stand that even sells animals. Dream hands Drista a list of things they need, and Drista starts to walk around the market, looking for the first thing on their list, which is potatoes.

As Drista walks around, she stops by the weapons stand. Her eyes immediately widen when she sees a long spear, about 4 feet with a large diamond tip, sitting on the table. She looks around for Dream, and sees him standing by the material stand, where he is paying for some firewood. When he is done, Drista runs over to him and points towards the weapon stand.

"Dream, look at that awesome spear!" She says. Dream turns his head to look at it, and Drista looks up at him. "Wouldn't that be a great upgrade from my sword?"

"Yeah, it would, but I didn't get a lot of emeralds from our trade in the forest village the other day. Sorry Drista, but I don't think we can get it."

Drista hangs her head for a moment, but then decides to perk up. Whatever, she can make her own spear! But, it won't be as great as that one...

All the sudden, Drista hears a voice. "Hey! Person with the smily face mask!"

Both Dream and Drista turn around. They have the same masks, so it gets confusing sometimes.

"The one with the overalls!" the person yells.  Drista then knows it's her, and Dream smiles and turns away. Drista walks towards the weapon stand, where the voice was coming from.

"I saw you eyeing this spear, and I thought you might want to have it." said the man at the stand.

"I'm sorry, but I don't have enough emeralds to pay for that..." Drista mumbles.

"It's ok! You look like a strong young lady who would put this to good use. Have it for free."

Drista immeditally is in a better mood, and she grabs the spear off the table. "Thank you so, so much sir!" she says, her voice in a happy tone. The man smiles. "Your very welcome!"

Drista runs back to Dream, and lightly pokes him in the back with the tip of the spear. He jumps and turns around, only to then laugh. "How did you get that?"

"The guy gave it to me for free. I didn't even have to bargain, he just let me have it!"

"That's awesome!" Dream says. "I would have gotten it for you but I did check after you asked me and we only have 5 emeralds left. I think we might have to go get some stuff for ourselves in the next forest."

"That's alright, I like foraging." Drista says.

Drista slides the spear into the strap around her shoulder. She feels more confident, and she looks like a strong soldier. Although this was a weird thought to have, she actually wanted to have another encounter with monsters. She could show off her skills to Dream, and prove that she was good enough to stay in the wild a little bit longer.

The sun sets early, around 5 pm. Dream and Drista settle in the guest house nearby the village. It gets very cold, and Drista shivers as she lies on the ground. She can't sleep, its too cold. So instead, Drista stands up and sneaks out of the dark house and into the night. Holding her spear, she looks around and listens for monsters. Its quiet, and very dark.

Drista looks up at the moon. Its about 11 pm now, she should be inside. But Drista doesn't care. She sits outside, proudly holding her spear, waiting for monsters.

She doesn't hear it coming.

The creature bites her, and Drista starts to feel sick. She turns around frantically, looking for the monster, her spear held out. But everything seems to multiply, and she can't find the monster. Drista feels lightheaded, and falls to the ground. She feels the creature crawling up her back. "Its probably a spider..." she thinks. But then she can't think. She can't breathe.

Drista lies down. Why did she do this? She felt so confident with her new weapon, and she couldn't sleep. She should have stayed inside. She should have tried to sleep anyways.

All the sudden, everything goes dark.

Authors note: This is a very long chapter, sorry. Also, I'm sorry if I made any spelling mistakes, I'm kind of tired. Almost 900 words! I'm quite proud. Follow if you would like to read more.

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