Before, part four.

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I straightened out my grey dress and made sure I looked like how I was expected to look. I plastered a smile on my face and greeted his employees with a smile while making small conversations with the ones I knew.

I made my way into the elevator, which was held open for me by a man and I gave him a thankful smile. He entered the elevator with me and pressed the exact elevator button number I was heading to.

"You don't have to accompany me you know," I said to him and he shrugged giving me a small smile, his eyes hidden behind his dark glasses, with his body dressed in the compulsory black suit. "We're in an elevator."

I covered it with a cough and he chuckled at my joke.

"Yes, Mrs Barreau," he answered officially and I sighed knowing I was going to repeat something that I have been singing for years, well two and a half years.

"It's Robyn, you know I hate formalities."

"Yes, mam..."

I knew for sure that he was still going to call me 'Mrs Barreau' and it made me angry that it never got through most of Bellamy's employees that I had my own name that I loved being called by.

The elevator finally ringed announcing that we had arrived at the floor of our destination and I gracefully stepped out of the elevator. "I'll be back in a minute, Micheal," I told the man that had accompanied me almost everywhere, he was one of the many bodyguards that I believed was unnecessary to have.

I gracefully walked on the grey laminated floor proud of my appearance, turning heads as my hips swayed with my walk, this is exactly what he wanted.

I couldn't wait to tell him about today and the good news I believe he would find interesting, hopefully, this would spark the old Bellamy, the one who was attentive and loving.

My hand hovered over the doorknob and I took a huge breath in and made sure a smile was fixed on my face. I twisted the cold smooth knob and entered his office only to have my smile fall and have my spirits greatly disappointed.

There on his desk sat Nadine with her legs splayed open for my husband who was in between her legs with his hands on her hips, smiling together as if what they were doing was completely fine, as if he didn't have a stupid wife!

"Robyn- I," Bellamy stuttered and I smiled smoothing down the bottom half of my dress, clenching my fists behind my back trying to keep control, trying to remember that all those sessions should not go to waste over them.

"Mrs Barreau, I- uhm," Nadine said as she got down his desk and hid behind him as she fixed her blouse.

I was quiet for some time as I stared at them as they fixed themselves but their movements were shaky as they've been caught. I always had my suspicions but today it was confirmed. Another love story created in an office...sweet.

"Why you're so tensed? Relax," I said snorting, I appeared to be calm about it but inside I was boiling. I was thinking about taking off these heels and throwing them to their heads.

I could feel my nails digging into my palms as I kept my anger, disappointment and hurt right at the edge and I was so close to exploding but then again, what would it help with?

"Robyn, now what you saw was-" Bellamy began as he walked closer to me with his hands raised as if he was trying to calm me down more than my rage was growing.

"She was telling you about your schedule with you between her legs? Yes, that's what I saw."

I said finishing off his sentence cocking my head to the said.

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