The Real Disney Princes and Princess!

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I was still being a visitor in Ezekiel's apartment and it seemed like my family didn't have any intention of leaving as of yet it did annoy me but I also liked being with Ezekiel, he could be funny when he wasn't stressed over something.

He still hadn't really explained it to me what he does but all I know is that he has a meeting every Thursday afternoon and he always comes back pissed, but of course, that doesn't last long since his bundle of jokes is his roommate, me, I am his bundle of jokes.

"This movie is trash!" I sighed glaring at the screen watching the shit movie Ezekiel has been pushing for us to watch but as always I would find a way to worm out of watching it, however today he was adamant in us watching it.

"You're just jealous over the fact she has a fairy godmother," Ezekiel said and I scoffed.

"Puhlease, that magic thingy only lasted until midnight," I pointed to the tv looking at them smiling at each other and tell each other all that sappy shit of how happy they're going to be together.

"And he found her the next day, sit still!" he was helping me unplait my hair and I would always move my head when I was trying to make a point.

"He probably wouldn't have noticed her if she was in the scraps of clothing her stepmother gave her, he would pass her!" I exclaimed and Ezekiel sighed letting go of my hair.

"But if-"

"Come on, if you saw let's say Kendall in let's say a loose shirt and she used a shoelace to tie it around her waist would you still go for her?"

"Considering she's Kendall, she'd probably pull off that look," he shrugged and I had to agree, she would but this isn't the point. "But basically I would pass her."

"See, exactly! So what-"

"Because I'm not interested in her," rolling my eyes I looked back at the screen and I turned in time to watch them getting married, flipping awesome.

"I'm telling you this movie is absolute crap," I said running my fingers through my hair that was almost finished.

"And I'm telling you, you should start believing in something again," he whispered and I stared at the screen. And they lived happily ever after, it read. Well at the end of the day it's just cartoons, a bunch of unrealistic stuff giving hope to children about stuff that will never happen.

Why don't they talk about depression, cancer, the LGBTQ+ and so on, and stop teaching kids how to be hungry for co-

"I'm done," he said patting my head and I slapped his hand away.

"Thank you, but life isn't a fairytale."

I had to have the last say about something, always!

"Well you could make your own fairytale bunny," he said and I frowned.

"Are you sure you're twenty-nine? Because you sure acting like a teenager and it's annoying."

"Yes I am, and I believe in love that's why I sound like an annoying teenager," he sang and I just glared at him.

"Well don't sing about it around me," I grumbled puffing it out and tilting my head side to side loving the way it had grown so much.

"Your hair is so big, why do you even plait it?" he asked me as he threaded his fingers in it.

"So that it could grow bigger, want to help me wash it?"

"Sure," walking to the guest bathroom, he helped me wash my hair but there was playing in between.

"Can you please stop doing that, my neck is tired!" he wouldn't stop pulling my hair to see how long it was.

"Bunny your hair is just really long!" he exclaimed and I had to hit his hand away from my hair and he chuckled, I was about to swear him when I heard a loud smack before I felt it.

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