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The apartment was quiet, dead quiet as a matter of fact, the only thing you could hear was Jay's groans every now and then and my lips would pull up in a proud manner. But they were just merely a reminder to my own wounds that still needed tending but I wouldn't let it happen because I'm too stubborn.

I looked at every single man that was still alive and in the room with me, none that I wanted to hurt except for Reed, but I was told to be a good girl and I was trying.

Reed was chewing on his nails in a disgusting manner while his leg tapped on the floor nervously and I couldn't help but wonder what his endgame was, did he want to get back into the association or was there more to his plan, which he didn't share like every other idiot normally does.

To his left there was Nev and Xavier who were typing away on their laptops, they both looked extremely talented in that area, so did Shawn but Xavier seemed better at it. His concentration was impeccable, I might've tried to distract him and let me watch a show on his laptop but he just smiled and typed away. Reed didn't like me distracting his workers.

Shawn was sitting in the kitchen smiling alone to his phone, I might've asked if he was talking to a girl and the furious blush I received as an answer told me everything I needed to know, and again Reed didn't like it.

I mean, it deems fit for me to at least have some kind of day relationship with my captor's until whenever or if I'm set free.

The only person I hadn't looked at was Ezekiel because he was sitting right next to me and had his eyes boring into the side of my head and it was uncomfortable at first but I definitely did get used to it.

I tried to shift on the couch but I only hurt myself more as I kept on adding unnecessary pressure on my wounds. It was clear I needed help and I was being an ass about it, and this was becoming too much for me to handle. So I did the one thing I thought I wouldn't have to do until all these people left.

"Ezekiel," I said in a soft voice and his eyebrows rose in interest. I saw everyone turn their heads to face us and I gulped, so much for being honest. "I need you to help me, please."

"With what exactly?" Reed answered and I frowned not looking at him.

"I'm talking to Ezekiel," I gritted out. "Do you think you could help me tend to my bruises?" I asked in a soft voice and he smiled nodding.

"Do you think you could help me tend to my bruises?" Reed mocked and I glared at him, he is so childish and yet he wants to be taken seriously as a 'man'.

Ezekiel helped me up from the couch, but the impossible thing would be for me to walk seeing that my feet were tied together and I was feeling so much pain in my abdominal area.

"Let me carry you," Ezekiel said and I shook my head.

"I can walk," I answered and he grunted out his answer and carried me anyway and I suppressed my scream feeling the pain increase. "Please put me down."

I forgot to add how much it hurts, it felt like something was tearing inside of me but there's no way I could ease the pain.

We reached my bedroom and he left the door open a bit since Reed said we should, he wants to hear what we're going to talk about.

After untying my arms and legs, he asked me to lift my arms so that he could take the sweater off. Once it was off, I could see the now formed bruises all over my belly and chest.

Eze took an ointment and softly smeared it on my bruises when he got to the part under my breast, I hissed and he stopped. He wasn't even putting that much pressure but it felt as if he was stabbing right through my skin.

"It hurts over here?" he asked skimming his finger over the bruise and I hummed in approval and he sighed putting away the ointment. "I'm sorry we left you," he started and I shook my head not wanting to hear more apologies.

"Please give me some painkillers, they're in the first drawer," I pointed to the drawer and he nodded taking them out and looking at all the other pills that were there, which I haven't touched in the longest time. "Prescribed."

He gave me the pills and I drank them as he gently wrapped the bandages around my torso, when he was done with those he went into my bathroom and came back with a wet cloth and used it to wipe off the dried blood from my face, okay to admit I was kind of relieved that he actually did that. I was tired of breathing in blood.

"Why are you so quiet out there?" I asked in a hushed tone so that Reed couldn't hear us.

"I'm always quiet," he said shrugging and I smiled.

"You're always talking when you're with me," I pointed out and the sides of his lips twitched before answering me.

"Only when it's us two," he said after helping me get dressed in a clean shirt. "I'm not going to tie you up again."

I was relieved that I wasn't going to go through that again, I smiled my thanks hoping they were more than enough for him.

We walked back out into the living room and found the guys still in their seats while Reed looked bored.

"Man of the hour still not here yet?" I asked in a teasing tone and he frowned looking at me.

"I'd be worried if I were you," he said I shrugged.

"Meh, Bellamy doesn't care. He has his new family now, no need to be all worried about the barren ex-wife."

"Oh, but you're so much more than just the barren ex-wife, you're the wife who knows everything about him, the only one who has the power to destroy his life and everything he ever worked for, this is exactly why he would come for you."

"And you think you could ever make me tell you his secrets?"

"I could make you sing his secrets," he said leaning back against his chair and I smiled.

"Please enlighten me, I'm interested."

"Oh, it probably starts with an I and ends with an E," he said tapping his chin proud of himself.

"Ice?" I asked and he sighed shaking his head and pinching the bridge of his nose. "Ionise, Iodate?" I listed off a number of words I knew that started off with an I and ended with an E and all I got was no's.

"Irene, Robyn, he's going to use Irene to make you sing," Ezekiel said and my back straightened as I looked at a smirking Reed.

"You wouldn't fucking dare," I said scooting to the end of the couch and Reed merely shrugged smiling innocently.

"Just pray, Bellamy, comes here."

I glared at Reed and he pretended to not notice my glare by cleaning his nails.

Bellamy better fucking bring his ass here.

A/n, I know most of you want me to do a double update or triple, but guys, the book is almost complete and I don't want to rush into the completion, please bare with my daily updates, and as you wait, check out my other books, they will probably keep you busier than this one does. Thank you for your comments, I really appreciate them but please let's just enjoy the daily ride 🤧❤️

Hurt Me Again.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora