Staying The Night At Caroline's House

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Caroline's View
Bella called me and is coming over to stay the night tonight! I'm so excited! She said her and Stefan got into it, and that Damon hadn't gotten home yet. I think one of the reasons she didn't want to stay at the boarding house was that she didn't want to face Damon. Besides the fact that she had an argument with Stefan for like the first time ever. I've never known them to have an argument like ever. So, I guess it was pretty bad. But, you know I'm not really sure what happened she didn't say much about it over the phone.

I was getting her bedroom ready when she got there and knocked on the door. "Hey" "Hi, thanks again for letting me stay here for the night" "Of course, come on" I showed her to her room and she put her stuff down and sat on the bed.

"So what do you want to do first?" "What is there to do?" "Well, I can make some popcorn and we can watch a movie?" "What kind of movies do you have?" "Pick one out" She looks at all my movies, focusing, until she finally finds one. "How about this one?" "Oh, my gosh, Bella, I love you!" "Do you like really like this movie?" "Yes!" "Well, come on, let's watch it!"

Once the popcorn was done, we started watching the movie and we cuddled together. We were both so tired that we ended up falling asleep halfway through the movie.

Damon's View
Stefan told me Bella was at Caroline's for the night, so, I went to track her down and get my baby back. When I found her, she was cuddling with Caroline on the couch watching a movie, asleep. Smiling to myself, I grab a blanket and cover them up with it. After I do that, I speed out of the house, and go back home, hoping she'll come back in the morning.

Bella's View
I had this weird dream that Damon was in the living room, but there was no way he could have gotten in. Besides it doesn't matter now anyway, Caroline is asleep still and I shake her up a little.

"So, you know your always welcome here" "Yes, I know" "Good" "Thank you for letting me stay with you at such late notice" "Your welcome, ugh I'm gonna miss you!" "I'm gonna miss you too, I love you" "I love you, too... Ugh, you should get going" "Yeah, I'll call you later" "Good! Behave and don't kill or try and kill anyone!" She yells after me as I get in the car. I just shake my head and laugh. "Yeah, yeah, ok"

Once I get back to the boarding house, I stay in the car for as long as possible. Finally, I realize, that I have to go in there eventually. So, now is the best time to do it.

I get out of the car and when I close the door and turn around, I'm welcomed by a huge hug by Damon. "Oh" "I love you so much" "Um, I love you, too" "Why are you sounding so surprised?" "Because I didn't expect this" "I thought I ran you off, I'm going to do everything I can to make sure I don't do it again"

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