No Humanity pt. 2

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Damon's View Me? "Everytime we're together you hurt me in some way that never leaves my head! And now I can just make it leave my head so I don't have to be in pain anymore and I don't have to think about you anymore... Now the next thing to do is, get rid of you, to get you out of my life" "Damon" Thank God he came when he did. I left the cell with him and I poured myself a drink.

Stefan's View
Elena and I had just got back and when I was heading down to the cellar, I heard something that Bella said to Damon that had to destroy him. "Everytime we're together you hurt me in some way that never leaves my head! And now I can just make it leave my head so I don't have to be in pain anymore and I don't have to think about you anymore... Now the next thing to do is, get rid of you, to get you out of my life" So, I went down there and told him that I was there.

Once he saw that I was there, there was a look of relief on his face and he left the cellar. "Stefan" "What?" "Can't I just say hi?" "No, because your hurting my brother" "Stefan, do you know how many times he's hurt you?" "Listen, my brother and I-" "Have a complicated relationship? Yeah yeah I got it" "Yeah we do and I know your not doing it to get back at him for hurting me, your doing it for revenge, of him hurting you all those times" "Oh, look at you, Stefan, thinking you... Know... Everything about everything" "Bella, you were there for me when my humanity was off, so I'm gonna be here to help you get yours back" "Don't you get it, Stefan?! I don't want it back! Ever since I got here, all you guys have done, is hurt me! I'm not living with that anymore" "If I let you out right now, what is the first thing you would do?" "Is that really questionable?" "I'd like to know what you'd do" "Maybe I don't want you to know, I mean after all, you are keeping me locked in a cell!" "You know who you remind me of?" "Who Stefan?" "Katherine" When I said that, her upper lip curles up in anger and if she wasn't in that cell, she probably would've killed me.

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