No Humanity pt. 1

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Damon's View
I just got a message from Stefan that explains Bella's weird behavior:
'Damon, if you see Bella be careful, there's a chance she turned off her humanity, if she's acting violent, get a vervain dart or vervain shot thing and put her in a cell, do not hesitate to do it, Damon, she will hurt you'

If she's turned off her humanity, that's my fault. I've hurt her so badly that she resorted to turning it off just to getting over it.

Just to be on the safe side, I get a vervain shot and am gonna put her in the cell, just in case. We can't be to careful. Besides if she did and she goes and kills someone, once her humanity is back on, she's gonna feel terrible.

I walk behind Bella and softly put my hand on her arm; she feels it and I rub my hand up and down her arm and put my other hand on her waist. "What are you doing?" "Nothing" "Your doing something" "I wanna do something" Her breath quickens. "What is it that you... Wanna do?" "I can show you if you want" Her breathing increases more, but she's not saying anything. "Would you like that?" "Yes, please" "Sorry, Bella, but, you'll have to wait until your better" I said as I stuck the needle full of vervain in her arm. She fell in my arms and I put her on the bed in one of the cells.

Once I did that, I called Stefan and told him. "Damon, are you alright?" "Yeah, she's... Uh... She's in the cell" "I know you didn't want to do that Damon, but it had to be done and you know that" "Yeah, Stefan, I know" "I'm on my way back now" "Ok" I said and hung up, pouring myself a drink. I drink it in one sip and go back down to the cellar to wait for Bella to wake up.

During the time I was waiting, I got her some blood because I know she's gonna need it. I'm sitting on the floor, waiting for Bella to wake up when I hear her groan. "Bella?" I ask, standing up and looking through the bars so I can see her. "Damon? What'd you do?" "It's for your own good Bella" "Locking me in a cellar? How is that for my own good?!" "Because you won't hurt anyone" "I'm gonna hurt you in a minute" "See" "Look, Damon, I don't want you or need anything from you... So leave me alone!" "I know you don't mean that" "I guess you don't know me as well as you thought" She scoffed. "Did I make you do it?" I asked, sadly. Not really sure if I want to know the answer or not. "What?" "Did I make you turn it off?" "Huh, your smart, see the others, they're way to gulable I guess you can say. They didn't even notice" "That doesn't answer my question, Bella" "Yes! Yes Damon! You are the one who made me do it! It was either that, or... I don't know I couldn't think about anything! You hurt me so I'm gonna hurt you right back, understand?"

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