School Carnival

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Stefan's View
Bella and I are heading to the school carnival. We're using it as a distraction for her.

When we got there, I immediately spot Elena with Caroline, and Bonnie. "Come on, I see Elena" "Oh, ok" "What is it?" "Nothing" "Bella" "I just thought we were gonna hang out" "We are I'm just gonna stop and talk to her for a minute" "Ok" "Now, come on"

Bella's View
I don't really wanna be around any of them. They're gonna ask me how I'm doing and it'll all come rushing back. "Hey, guys" "Stefan! I thought you weren't coming?" I backed away a little, looking around and rubbing my arms with my hands feeling embarrassed and anxious.

Stefan's View
"I wasn't planning on it, but I was on my way back to the house, and I ran into Bella, she and Damon had a really big fight, you guys. It's bad, she said she's really fighting to not turn off her humanity" "Oh my God" "I mean it sounded bad when we left but I didn't think it was that bad, I thought they'd end up having like make up sex or something" "Well, that's not gonna happen anytime soon, they broke up" "Dang, she's gotta be a mess, where is she?" "Over there" We all looked over at her and she was looking around and rubbing her arms like she was shy and embarrassed. "She looks bad" "She is, I came here as a distraction, like she's saying she's hearing voices and seeing things, I'm just kinda worried, so I'm keeping an eye on her you know? But um, you haven't seen him here have you?" "No" "Good, hopefully it stays that way" "I'll text you if I see him" "Ok thanks, I wanted to let you know that's why I'm here with her" "Thanks for telling me" "Um, guys, not to interrupt your romance over there, but, um, she's gone" "What?" "She's not over there anymore" "Dang it!" "Stefan this is not your fault!" "Yes, Elena it is! I'm supposed to be helping her, I let her out of my sight and now she's gone!" "STEFAN, listen, it's not your fault" "Look, guys, if she's as bad as you say she is, we need to find her" "Yeah, come on, split up guys! Bonnie, Elena you guys look over there, come on Caroline!"

Bella's View
Something told me to walk away from them. So I turned to my right and walked away. My head started pounding and as I'm walking my hands are on my head and I'm hearing people scream inside my head. "Ow! Shut up!" I whisper yelled to the voices. "I hate that I love you!" "I love you!" "I hate that you're the first person I think of when something goes wrong, Bella!" His voice echoes in my head. "I get it! You hate me!" "I don't hate you, Bella" "Damon?" I groan in frustration and keep walking with my hands on the side of my head. "Bella!" I look around for the voice. "Bella! Bella, calm down!" The voice seemed so far away. I groan again and walk in pain with the voices screaming and crying. Damon yelling how much he hates me. Someone puts a hand on my shoulder and I turn around, but run before I know who it is that touched my shoulder.

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