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Stefan's View
I hear Damon yell and a loud noise downstairs, so I leave Ric and Dr. Fell with Bella, and go check on him. "Damon?!" I find him with his hands in his hair and his blood bag smashed on the wall. "Damon, what happened?" "She got in my head! She's giving up Stefan" "What are you talking about?" "She said she was giving up" "Damon, for all you know you could have been imagining it" "No, Stefan! I saw her and I heard her!" "She's fine, Damon, who knows she could wake up in the next few minutes" "Don't give me false hope" he sulked and walked out.

~2 hours later~
Bella's View
"Hi, Damon" "You got in my head, didn't you?" "I only did it to prepare you, I thought that I was going to die" "Do you know how scared I was?" "I'm sorry, I just thought it was the best thing to do, wether I were to go at that time or at anytime" "Don't talk like that, please" "Just face it, Damon, I'm dying, this is the only place that we're gonna be able to see each other" "Take me to the first memory that pops into your head" "What?" "The first memory good or bad, the first one that pops into that head of yours, take me there" "I don't think you wanna go there, Damon" "Show me" "Ok" I showed him the first memory that popped into my head, Edward leaving me in the woods. "This is the first one?" "Yeah" "Why?" "Because Damon, it was the worst day of my life" "Talk to me, tell me about it" "What's the point?" "I wanna know" "Huh, um, he came to my place after school and asked me to take a walk in the woods with him. So I did, and he told me he was leaving and that he didn't want me anymore... It hurt so badly, hearing someone say that, especially someone you love" "Well, I love you, and I would never say that, because I would never want to be apart from you" "He thought it was to protect me but, I was a mess without him, I sat by my window and stared out it, day and night never getting up. That's one of the reasons I moved here. Because I needed a fresh start, and because of my dad is working with Sheriff Forbes" "He hurt you really bad didn't he?" "Yeah, he did, but, Damon, I would pick you over him any day" "Really?" "Yeah, I love you to pieces" "To pieces" We laughed and then all of a sudden it was all just gone.

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