Dinner With Elena's Family

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When it's time to eat and we all sit down, it's akward at first but then we start talking. Elena was right, Jeremy is a big flirt, as soon as he saw me he started flirting with me. At any other point in time I would've liked it, but with Edward having just left, it's not so great.

In the middle of dinner, surprise surprise, Damon showed up. Damn, he's hot! "Hi, I'm Damon" He introduced himself and kissed my hand. I blush and smile. He smirks and I melt, his eyes, oh my God, his eyes. They're so blue that you just can't get enough of them and just can't look away. "I'm Bella" I said, my voice barely visible and shaking, cracking a little.

Stefan had tried to stop Damon from coming in, I'm not sure why but he just didn't want him to. All through dinner I could feel Damon's eyes on me. Everytime I would look at him to see, he would smirk. "Bella" "Hm" I said, getting snapped back into reality. "You ok?" "Yeah, yeah I'm fine" "Ok, Stefan wanted to know where you came from" "Oh, uh Forks... It's a really small town" "I've heard of it" Damon pipped in. "Yeah, we lived there for awhile" "Really?" "Yeah" "When?" "Back when Stefan was a kid... Ow!" "What?" "When we were kids" He said, glaring at Stefan. "Um, ok" "What are you planning to do when you graduate, Bella?" "I'm thinking about being a lawyer, or something in that field" "Really? What made you decide on doing that?" "Well it just kinda happened, and you know my dad is a cop, so" "He is, is that why you moved here?" "Yeah, he's working with Sheriff Forbes" "Oh that's fun" "I guess so" "And it's the middle of the year, and look you already made 3 friends at your school" "Yeah, I did" I said with a smile. "You made 5 friends overall" Elena sighed and rolled her eyes, I guess she doesn't like Damon that much. "Yeah" I agreed.

Dinner was over in the snap of a finger and I honestly didn't want it to. Talking to Damon was the best part of the whole thing. Let's say, I'm definitely glad I went to this dinner. Damon is... I don't know, interesting; but, I don't know why. He didn't tell me much about him, there's just something about him that made me want to talk to him, to be around him more. Clearly there's something to Damon that I don't know about or Elena wouldn't have had that reaction she had. So, I'm gonna talk to her about it.

"Hey, Elena?" "Yeah?" "Can I talk to you for a minute?" "Sure is everything ok?" "Yeah, I just need to talk to you... Alone" "Ok, guys, I'll be right back" "Alright, don't worry about it Elena, we have it all taken care of" "Stefan, make sure he doesn't do anything to anything" "Ok" Stefan chuckled. "Come on" I followed her up to her room and she closed the door. We sat on her bed and she waited for me to talk.

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